Why The American Media Embraces Palestinian Propaganda

Why The American Media Embraces Palestinian Propaganda

Why The American Media Embraces Palestinian Propaganda Introduction In recent years, the American media has increasingly embraced Palestinian propaganda and questioned Israel’s right to defend itself. This biased reporting not only distorts the truth but also undermines the longstanding alliance…

Hamas is About 'Peace' or 'Piece'?

Hamas is About ‘Peace’ or ‘Piece’?

Hamas is About ‘Peace’ or ‘Piece’? Introduction In today’s world, where conflicts and tensions seem to dominate the news headlines, it is crucial to look beyond the surface and understand the complexities of different organizations and their objectives. One such…

Alex Stein CRASHES Gays for Palestine Rally

Alex Stein CRASHES Gays for Palestine Rally

Alex Stein CRASHES Gays for Palestine Rally Introduction Hey there, folks! Alex Stein here, and boy do I have a story to tell. You see, I recently attended a “Rally for Palestine” in the buzzing city of New York. Now,…

Dear Biden...

Dear Biden…

Dear Biden… Introduction In a recent thought-provoking video created by BlazeTV, a popular news and commentary platform, the speaker passionately addresses President Biden regarding the ongoing issue of evacuating Americans from dangerous regions. Through a series of critical questions and…

WATCH: REAL Reporter GRILLS State Dept. Spokesman on Biden’s $6 Billion Iran Deal

Introduction In a recent video created by BlazeTV, a prominent conservative media outlet, a real reporter takes the State Department spokesperson to task over the Biden administration’s proposed $6 billion Iran deal. The video and subsequent discussion shed light on…