VIRAL: Biden Energy Sec. CONFRONTED Over NUMEROUS Ethics Violations

VIRAL: Biden Energy Sec. CONFRONTED Over NUMEROUS Ethics Violations

Introduction In recent times, political controversies have become commonplace, raising concerns about the ethical conduct of government officials. One such controversy involves the United States Secretary of Energy, Jennifer Granholm, who has come under fire due to numerous ethics violations.…

Granholm testifies in favor of an all-electric military fleet

Granholm testifies in favor of an all-electric military fleet

Top news right now is the push towards An all-electric non-vehicle Fleet for The U.S military by 2030. despite Pushback from Republicans and concerns About the availability of resources Jennifer granholm remains firm in her Support for the move towards…

Biden Energy Czar Heaps Praise On China, the Reason Why Will Shock You

Biden Energy Czar Heaps Praise On China, the Reason Why Will Shock You

Ep. 1655 The Dumbest White House Comment Yet - The Dan Bongino Show®

Ep. 1655 The Dumbest White House Comment Yet – The Dan Bongino Show®