Cruz Stuns Human Rights Campaign President by Asking a Simple Preschool-Level Question!

Cruz Stuns Human Rights Campaign President by Asking a Simple Preschool-Level Question!

Introduction: I have been keeping up with the latest news and recent Senate hearings, where Senator Ted Cruz questioned Human Rights Campaign President Kelley Robinson on the biological differences between men and women in sports. I believe this encounter was…

GOP Rep Takes on HOSTILE Crowd Over Radical Gender Policies

GOP Rep Takes on HOSTILE Crowd Over Radical Gender Policies

No it's either XX or it's x y [Music] The the proof is in the DNA I have an Office of Congressman Doug lamaltha [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I am going to preface this with a Request for the the audience…

Disney Executives ADMIT They Are Indoctrinating Your Kids

Disney Executives ADMIT They Are Indoctrinating Your Kids

The new Disney has a new agenda. One they’re very open about. They want to indoctrinate young kids with their leftist gender and LGBT ideology. Other Videos You Might Enjoy: Why Did The Left Turn Against J.K. Rowling? How…