NGO Founded by Three Former POTUS Supporting Illegal Immigration Surge in US

NGO Founded by Three Former POTUS Supporting Illegal Immigration Surge in US

Former presidents you know plural their NGO with ties to George Soros teams up With multinational corporations and American Express to fly migrants into The U.S senator estimates 5 million Border crossers welcomed By the Biden Administration I'm rich crankshaw…

Conservatives rally behind Kari Lake #shorts

Conservatives rally behind Kari Lake #shorts

Conservatives are rallying behind Kerry Lake with many calling her the only Candidate who can take back Arizona for Republicans her huge lead in the Hypothetical GOP Primary as Democrats Quaking in their boots and unnerving Establishment GOP opponents Kerry…

Conservatives rally behind Kari Lake - could she be the answer for Arizona's Senate seat?

Conservatives rally behind Kari Lake – could she be the answer for Arizona’s Senate seat?

The buzz around Kerry lake is reaching a Fever pitch as shocking poll results Reveal her as the front runner for Arizona's senate race in 2024. I'm Gary Franchi in news breaks every day he'll Be the first to know…

Mayorkas Gets DESTROYED by Senator Johnson Over Failed Border Crisis

Mayorkas Gets DESTROYED by Senator Johnson Over Failed Border Crisis

The southern border crisis has become an Ongoing issue for the nation with no Immediate solution in sight Homeland Security secretary Alejandro mayorcas Continues to fail the American people And now he's been called out by two Powerful Republican Senators…

Biden's Economic Failure: Lower Tax Refunds Reflect Failing American Economy

Biden’s Economic Failure: Lower Tax Refunds Reflect Failing American Economy

Americans are bracing themselves for a Harsh reality this tax season as lower Tax refunds reflect the dire state of The economy under Joe Biden I'm Gary Franchi and news breaks fast make sure You catch it when it does…

Activist Ruins World Snooker Championship #shorts

Activist Ruins World Snooker Championship #shorts

It was chaos at the World Snooker Championship as a climate activist took The center stage in Port Orange die on The snooker table the tournament usually An event filled with decorum was Unexpectedly disrupted by the actions of This…

CRAZY! Climate Activist Ruins World Snooker Championship!

CRAZY! Climate Activist Ruins World Snooker Championship!

In a shocking turn of events a climate Change activists disrupted the World Snooker Championship with a bold protest To the dismay of the players and fans Alike the activist Port Orange die on The green fell to the snooker…

Biden’s Parole Pipeline #shorts

Biden’s Parole Pipeline #shorts

The United States Southern border is Facing a crisis unlike any other since President Joe Biden took office in 2021 He has failed to secure the Border Allowing illegal immigrants to flood Into the country at unprecedented rates The Department…

Biden’s Parole Pipeline Allows a Million Illegal Immigrants into U.S.

Biden’s Parole Pipeline Allows a Million Illegal Immigrants into U.S.

Shocking statistics reveal how Biden's Parole pipeline has released over a Million migrants into the U.S Potentially changing the country forever Now your freedom is at stake get the News that impacts America by tapping Subscribe to preserve it my…

Democrat Senators Urge DOJ Investigation #shorts

Democrat Senators Urge DOJ Investigation #shorts

With the Supreme Court on the line the Democrats are doing everything in their Power to leverage political power and Legal resources in order to control the Court this includes packing the Supreme Court and removing conservative justices Through their…

Dems Plot Against Justice Thomas - Invoke DOJ Investigation

Dems Plot Against Justice Thomas – Invoke DOJ Investigation

In a shocking turn of events Senator Bernie Sanders has joined forces with Senator Sheldon Whitehouse to call for An investigation into Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas over allegedly Undisclosed gifts thanks for watching Next News Network I'm Ivory Hecker…

Majority of Democrats want challengers for unfit Biden #shorts

Majority of Democrats want challengers for unfit Biden #shorts

Joe Biden the man who promised to unite America and restore its economic Prosperity has failed on all fronts Under his watch inflation has soared the Country's foreign policy as in shambles And his cognitive decline has sparked Legitimate concerns…

PACK IT UP JOE! These Numbers Prove Even Democrats Want You Gone

PACK IT UP JOE! These Numbers Prove Even Democrats Want You Gone

The Democrats are turning against their Own president in alarming numbers And it's not hard to see why I'm rich Crenshaw keep up the latest news tap Subscribe below and enable notifications Joe Biden the man who promised to unite…

Who Will Benefit From New York City Anti-Discrimination Law?

Who Will Benefit From New York City Anti-Discrimination Law?

Biden Refuses to Negotiate on Debt Ceiling, Putting Economy at Risk

Biden Refuses to Negotiate on Debt Ceiling, Putting Economy at Risk

Biden's Immigration Crisis: Vast Majority Of US Population Growth From Illegals

Biden’s Immigration Crisis: Vast Majority Of US Population Growth From Illegals

Kinzinger RETURNS With Sick Clain about Jesus and Trump

Kinzinger RETURNS With Sick Clain about Jesus and Trump

Trump CELEBRATES After CNN Gets WORST NEWS in 30-Years

Trump CELEBRATES After CNN Gets WORST NEWS in 30-Years

Conservatives React to Geraldo's Pick for Republican POTUS Candidate

Conservatives React to Geraldo’s Pick for Republican POTUS Candidate

Outrage Over Insect-Eating Assignment For 6th-Graders!

Outrage Over Insect-Eating Assignment For 6th-Graders!