The War on Homeownership

The War on Homeownership

Welcome to our blog, where we explore the many aspects of homeownership and delve into the current landscape of the housing industry. In this post, we will shed light on an issue that affects countless individuals and families across the…

Global Chaos on The Horizon #shorts

Global Chaos on The Horizon #shorts

The U.S dollar the Bedrock of the global Economy has been showing distressing Signs of a continuous decline sparking Fears of an impending recession the Charles Schwab report revealing a Decline of eight to ten percent in both Real and…

Global Chaos on The Horizon as the American Dollar is in Massive Trouble!

Global Chaos on The Horizon as the American Dollar is in Massive Trouble!

The United States dollar The Trusted Foundation of the world's Financial System is under attack from all Directions there are many reasons one The Reckless policies of the left in Their never-ending Trump derangement Syndrome number two the Sinister Intentions…

Biden’s Economy is Haunting Americans #shorts

Biden’s Economy is Haunting Americans #shorts

I'm Elijah Shafer and a CBS News you gov Poll is revealed that 97 of Americans Are concerned about the president's Dwindling economy which has remained a Top issue for months but that's not all The survey also indicates that…

Poll Reveals How Biden’s Sagging Economy is Haunting Americans

Poll Reveals How Biden’s Sagging Economy is Haunting Americans

A shocking poll reveals that Americans Are most worried about Biden's economy With inflation and crime ranking closely Behind fewer people are concerned about Other issues because they're too busy Watching their finances Don't forget to stay on top of…

Eric Swalwell CAUGHT Spending MASSIVE Amounts of Campaign Money on Booze and Limo Services

Eric Swalwell CAUGHT Spending MASSIVE Amounts of Campaign Money on Booze and Limo Services