Former SWAT Team Members BREAKS DOWN Deadly Utah raid

Former SWAT Team Members BREAKS DOWN Deadly Utah raid

I, as a former SWAT team member, am excited to share with you a detailed analysis of a deadly raid that took place in Utah. Join me as I break down the events surrounding this tragic incident, shedding light on…

Gov't Sanctioned Child Trafficking is Real?!

Gov’t Sanctioned Child Trafficking is Real?!

Introduction Wait, hold on a second! Government-sanctioned child trafficking? Is that even possible? Well, prepare to have your mind blown because, believe it or not, it’s a disturbing reality that we have uncovered. Yes, we, the ever-vigilant investigators, have stumbled…

Is This WORSE Than the Durham Report?!

Is This WORSE Than the Durham Report?!

Is This WORSE Than the Durham Report?! Introduction Recent developments in the FBI have been a cause of concern for American citizens. The recent whistleblower hearing and Rep. Jim Jordan and Glenn Beck’s discussion on the FBI’s attempts to silence…

FBI Whistleblower: Here's How the Agency Attempted to Ruin My Life

FBI Whistleblower: Here’s How the Agency Attempted to Ruin My Life

FBI Whistleblower: Here’s How the Agency Attempted to Ruin My Life Introduction Garrett Boyle served as an FBI agent; however‚ he alleges that the agency weaponizes against its employees and institutions. He believes the FBI and DOJ wrongfully targets anyone…