Default Disaster: Buttigieg Flounders As Critical Deadlines Approach

Default Disaster: Buttigieg Flounders As Critical Deadlines Approach

Default Disaster: Buttigieg Flounders As Critical Deadlines Approach Introduction As we approach the debt ceiling deadline in June‚ anxiety among Americans is at an all-time high. The economy is already suffering from the pandemic’s aftermath‚ and a default would have…

Explosive Revelation: Biden Caves to Republican Pressure on Debt Negotiations!

Explosive Revelation: Biden Caves to Republican Pressure on Debt Negotiations!

Explosive Revelation: Biden Caves to Republican Pressure on Debt Negotiations! Introduction The United States of America is currently on the verge of its first-ever default on financial obligations‚ as debt ceiling negotiations between President Joe Biden and Republicans reach a…

Debt Disaster Looms: McCarthy Blasts Biden, Questions Democrats' Motives in Stalled Talks!

Debt Disaster Looms: McCarthy Blasts Biden, Questions Democrats’ Motives in Stalled Talks!

Debt Disaster Looms: McCarthy Blasts Biden‚ Questions Democrats’ Motives in Stalled Talks! Introduction The United States is on the brink of a financial crisis as negotiations on raising the debt ceiling hit a roadblock. House Speaker McCarthy has voiced doubts…

McCarthy Warns of Impending Disaster

McCarthy Warns of Impending Disaster

Introduction: The United States is currently facing a looming debt crisis‚ and negotiations between Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill have stalled. The issue at hand is the debt ceiling‚ which refers to the limit on how much money the…

Biden Hailed as Bipartisan For Risking Debt Ceiling Default

Biden Hailed as Bipartisan For Risking Debt Ceiling Default

Top news right now President Biden is Meeting with Republican leaders to Negotiate a new budget and raise the Debt ceiling the meeting comes after Biden has consistently rejected house Speaker Kevin McCarthy's legislation to Avoid default White House Press…

WATCH: KJP Short Circuits when Confronted on House GOP’s Debt Limit Bill

WATCH: KJP Short Circuits when Confronted on House GOP’s Debt Limit Bill

The White House Press Secretary Kareem Jean-pierrez sparked outrage among Republicans after she blamed House Republicans for failing to raise the Debt limit to avoid default I'm Gary Franchi and I want you to keep up with The latest news…

GOP’s Debt Limit Bill Triggers KJP

GOP’s Debt Limit Bill Triggers KJP

Top news right now the White House Press Secretary is blaming House Republicans For not raising the debt limit to avoid Default despite Republicans passing a Bill to raise the debt limit just a day Prior Kareem Jean-Pierre turned a…

McCarthy Scores Victory in Critical Test

McCarthy Scores Victory in Critical Test

Top news right now the limit save grow Act passing in the House of Representatives is a critical victory For speaker McCarthy and the GOP who've Proven their commitment to securing America's future with a ball now in the Democrats…

House GOP Passes Key Act to Save America!

House GOP Passes Key Act to Save America!

The House GOP has passed a key act to Save America and secure its future the Limit save grow act which raises the Debt ceiling and caps federal spending At 2022 levels narrowly passed with a 20 217 to 215…

Mark Levin: Democrats Are Spending Like Drunken Marxists

Mark Levin: Democrats Are Spending Like Drunken Marxists