Republicans join left-wing dark money festival

Republicans and Democrats Unite at a Progressive Dark Money Gathering

Introduction Howdy, folks! Today, I wanna chat about an event that’s got tongues wagging and eyebrows raisin’. Picture this: Republicans and Democrats walkin’ arm in arm, sippin’ sweet tea and chattin’ ‘bout the state of the nation. Sounds like a…

Georgia Takes Action to Stop Private Money from Influencing Elections!

Georgia Takes Action to Stop Private Money from Influencing Elections!

Georgia has been at the forefront of the national conversation for its recent sweeping changes to voting laws. Now‚ the state has taken another step towards fair and transparent elections by passing a law prohibiting private money from influencing election…

Georgia Tightens Prohibition on Outside Funding for Elections

Georgia Tightens Prohibition on Outside Funding for Elections

Top news right now Georgia Governor Brian Kemp signs an amendment to prevent Local governments and employees from Accepting donations or services for Election Administration the amendment Aims to keep outside election Interference out and secure fair and Transparent elections…

EXPOSED: Who’s REALLY Running the Biden Administration | Glenn TV |  Ep 170

EXPOSED: Who’s REALLY Running the Biden Administration | Glenn TV | Ep 170

EXPOSED: Conservative Group Drops the HAMMER on Biden’s Shady Judicial Nominees

EXPOSED: Conservative Group Drops the HAMMER on Biden’s Shady Judicial Nominees