Should We Compromise for Success? Ayn Rand Answers

Should We Compromise for Success? Ayn Rand Answers

Introduction In this article, we will be reviewing a thought-provoking YouTube video created by the Ayn Rand Institute. The video focuses on discussing Ayn Rand’s renowned novel, The Fountainhead. It explores the central question of whether we should compromise our…

Biden Hailed as Bipartisan For Risking Debt Ceiling Default

Biden Hailed as Bipartisan For Risking Debt Ceiling Default

Top news right now President Biden is Meeting with Republican leaders to Negotiate a new budget and raise the Debt ceiling the meeting comes after Biden has consistently rejected house Speaker Kevin McCarthy's legislation to Avoid default White House Press…

OUCH! Chuck Schumer Now Has Another Democrat Threatening to Nuke Infrastructure Deal

OUCH! Chuck Schumer Now Has Another Democrat Threatening to Nuke Infrastructure Deal