‘Knives will be out for Joe Biden’ once the Democrats ‘lose big’: Tate

‘Knives will be out for Joe Biden’ once the Democrats ‘lose big’: Tate

The “knives will be out for Joe Biden” once the Democrats “lose big” as they’re “expected to”, says The Hills Columnist Kristin Tate. “I think we’re going to start seeing op-eds from our largest left-wing publications and talking heads on…

‘Joe the loser’: Democrat-inclined media outlets ‘turned’ against Joe Biden

‘Joe the loser’: Democrat-inclined media outlets ‘turned’ against Joe Biden

The Daily Telegraph’s Tim Blair says various Democrat-inclined media outlets have “turned” against US President Joe Biden. Mr Blair said outlets like CNN and the New York Times may have “pre-emptively decided” they don’t want to be associated with “Joe…

States have a ‘constitutional responsibility’ to produce gas

States have a ‘constitutional responsibility’ to produce gas

Nationals MP Keith Pitt says we need the states to be producing their own gas, rather than buying it from Western Australia at export prices. According to Mr Pitt, the states “have a constitutional responsibility” to “bring on their reserves”…

Political violence should ‘always be condemned’

Political violence should ‘always be condemned’

Sky News host Chris Kenny says all politically motivated violence is wrong and should “always be condemned”. “You can’t pick and choose which politically motivated violence you call out and that which you ignore, and you shouldn’t pretend it all…

Greta Thunberg ‘preaching’ to the ‘converted’ at the ABC

Greta Thunberg ‘preaching’ to the ‘converted’ at the ABC

Sky News host Chris Kenny says if climate activist Greta Thunberg wants more “climate catastrophism” then she’s “preaching to the converted” at the ABC. ABC host Sarah Ferguson spoke to Ms Thunberg and sought “insights into global diplomacy and the…

Joe Biden can’t 'get through a sentence’ let alone ban assault rifles

Joe Biden can’t ‘get through a sentence’ let alone ban assault rifles

News Corp columnist David Penberthy says he isn’t “filled with optimism” at US President Joe Biden’s pledge to ban assault rifles. “Given the difficulty he seems to have addressing other more pressing issues like cost of living,” he said. “Or…

NASA's DART mission altered asteroid's orbit by 32 minutes

NASA’s DART mission altered asteroid’s orbit by 32 minutes

ANU astrophysicist and cosmologist Dr Brad Tucker says the “$300 billion question” in NASA’S DART mission was if the probe had managed to shift the asteroid. “One of the reasons this target was chosen was because there were two asteroids,…

Kamala Harris shares 'words of wisdom' on climate change

Kamala Harris shares ‘words of wisdom’ on climate change

Sky News host Chris Kenny says US Vice President Kamala Harris has shared a “few more words of wisdom” about climate change. “She is supposed to be fixing up the US southern border with Mexico, of course, or helping out…

Media is ‘terribly unfair’ to Trump

Media is ‘terribly unfair’ to Trump

The Hill columnist Kristin Tate says Americans want to “move on” from the 2020 presidential election. “Look, we all know the media is terribly unfair to Trump, we know these investigations are political witch hunts, but when I talk to…

Donald Trump is 'attacking' Joe Biden 'relentlessly'

Donald Trump is ‘attacking’ Joe Biden ‘relentlessly’

Sky News host Chris Kenny says former US president Donald Trump is “attacking” Joe Biden relentlessly. “Showing a video of the President’s stumbles, the sort of thing many people might not have seen very often if they’re relying on the…

Trump is 'making himself relevant'

Trump is ‘making himself relevant’

The Hill columnist Kristin Tate says former US president Donald Trump is making himself “relevant”. “He is elevating himself to the same level as Joe Biden, kind of creating that head-to-head match up that we saw in 2020 again now,”…

'Such a joke': Media 'not reporting the truth' to Americans about Biden's mental decline

‘Such a joke’: Media ‘not reporting the truth’ to Americans about Biden’s mental decline

The mainstream media is “such a joke” and are not reporting the “truth” to Americans about US President Joe Biden’s mental decline, says The Hill columnist Kristin Tate. Ms Tate’s remarks come after former president Trump played a compilation video…

Iran is playing ‘the card of the autocrat’ in protest response

Iran is playing ‘the card of the autocrat’ in protest response

Strategic Insights Australia’s Michael Shoebridge says Iranian leader Ali Khamenei is playing the “card of the autocrats” in his response to the country’s riots. The Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has accused the US and Israel of engineering…

Kamala Harris makes satirical show Veep a 'reality'

Kamala Harris makes satirical show Veep a ‘reality’

Sky News host Chris Kenny says The Daily Show parodied US Vice President Kamala Harris by cutting her speeches with soundbites from popular HBO political comedy Veep. The clip compares Ms Harris to Veep main character Selina Meyer, played by…

'Unconvincing' Harris blunders by praising alliance with 'Republic of North Korea'

‘Unconvincing’ Harris blunders by praising alliance with ‘Republic of North Korea’

Sky News host Chris Kenny says if US President Joe Biden’s “feeble mental state” forces him to step down, he would be replaced by Vice President Kamala Harris – who is “not very convincing”. “Often trying to get out of…

'A real worry': President Biden slips up again

‘A real worry’: President Biden slips up again

Sky News host Chris Kenny says it is “so sad to see Joe Biden,” but it is also a “real worry” following the US President’s latest gaffe. President Biden recently made an error at a conference where he asked whether…

Queen Elizabeth 'apparently only the Queen of white people'

Queen Elizabeth ‘apparently only the Queen of white people’

The Daily Telegraph’s Tim Blair says Queen Elizabeth II was “apparently only the Queen of white people”. It comes after the AFLW cancelled a minute’s silence for the fallen monarch on the grounds it may offend Indigenous players. “I think…

Scott Morrison gave himself 'several promotions, cloak and dagger style'

Scott Morrison gave himself ‘several promotions, cloak and dagger style’

Commentator Liz Storer says the secrecy behind former prime minister Scott Morrison’s ministerial swearings is “what’s really getting to people”. “We’ve just found out an employee has been giving himself several promotions, cloak and dagger style,” Ms Storer told Sky…

Governor-General ‘joins criticism’ over Morrison’s secrecy 'in subtle way'

Governor-General ‘joins criticism’ over Morrison’s secrecy ‘in subtle way’

Australian Financial Review Political Editor Phil Coorey says a statement from Governor-General David Hurley only adds to the “spectre” that former prime minister Scott Morrison “really is quite friendless at the moment”. In a media statement, a spokesperson for Mr…

ABC has made ‘serious mistakes’

ABC has made ‘serious mistakes’

Shadow Communications Minister Sarah Henderson says the ABC has been “highly sensitive” whenever it has been criticised. “And it has made some very serious mistakes,” Ms Henderson said.