The War on Homeownership

The War on Homeownership

Welcome to our blog, where we explore the many aspects of homeownership and delve into the current landscape of the housing industry. In this post, we will shed light on an issue that affects countless individuals and families across the…

Financial Expert: Why We ‘LITERALLY CAN'T AFFORD' Another Biden Presidency

Financial Expert: Why We ‘LITERALLY CAN’T AFFORD’ Another Biden Presidency

So there's a couple of things uh going On first of all I read this op-ed and I Didn't even read I it was from the blaze I didn't read who wrote it it was uh Biden hasn't been investing…

WHAT? Biden's SCOTUS Pick to Be Based on Skin Color and Gender | The News & Why It Matters | Ep 944

WHAT? Biden’s SCOTUS Pick to Be Based on Skin Color and Gender | The News & Why It Matters | Ep 944