@Glenn Beck Makes His FINAL Midterm Predictions | @Stu Does America

@Glenn Beck Makes His FINAL Midterm Predictions | @Stu Does America

Glenn Beck says the midterm elections are so important he’s not sure if America will still exist in 2024. Glenn shares his final frightening predictions for the upcoming midterms with BlazeTV’s Stu Burguiere. WATCH more Stu Does America: WATCH more…

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@Glenn Beck: What We're Fighting Is EVIL | @Stu Does America

@Glenn Beck: What We’re Fighting Is EVIL | @Stu Does America

Glenn Beck says America needs to draw a line right now, but not the wrong one. Glenn joins Stu Burguiere to talk about why Americans must stand against evil and violence at all costs. WATCH more Stu Does America: #blazetv…

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This Is What a Recession Actually Is | @Stu Does America

This Is What a Recession Actually Is | @Stu Does America

Is there even such a thing as a recession anymore? Considering the Biden administration’s statements, it’s hard to tell. The Manhattan Institute’s Brian Riedl and Stu Burguiere discuss why the economy is unexplainable and what the truth is about recessions.…

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Brett Cooper Reeducates Liberal Hollywood | @Stu Does America

Brett Cooper Reeducates Liberal Hollywood | @Stu Does America

If you lived in Hollywood, you might be exposed as a conservative and have a copy of “The Communist Manifesto” hurled at your head. As an actress at a very liberal college and during 10 years in Hollywood, this is…

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