RNC's Powerful Video Shows What America Could Look Like Under Biden-Harris

RNC’s Powerful Video Shows What America Could Look Like Under Biden-Harris

Get ready to be shocked and horrified as The RNC releases a powerful video Depicting the dystopian future that America could face if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris win the 2024 presidential Election from open borders to financial Instabilities and…

Trump Comes Out Swinging: Knocks Out Biden's Presidential Bid with a Powerful Counterpunch!

Trump Comes Out Swinging: Knocks Out Biden’s Presidential Bid with a Powerful Counterpunch!

Rice Resigns from Biden Regime

Rice Resigns from Biden Regime

Well top news right now former U.S Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice has revealed that she will be Leaving her position as domestic policy Advisor in the Biden White House at the End of May just before the…

Biden Admin Supports Migrants Over Americans

Biden Admin Supports Migrants Over Americans

Top news right now are American jobs for Americans or should migrants fill them President Biden and Border Chief Alejandra majorcus argue that allowing 10 million migrants to take American Jobs could solve the Border crisis and Claimed worker shortage…

Are Your Kids Safe in Public Schools? Biden Has a Plan

Are Your Kids Safe in Public Schools? Biden Has a Plan

Top news right now President Biden's Recent comments that the national Teacher of the year ceremony of sparked Controversy and outrage among parents Biden claimed that children belong to Everyone not just their parents and Called for an increase in…

Media Betrays Biden as WSJ Warns of 'Historic Mistake' in Reelection Campaign

Media Betrays Biden as WSJ Warns of ‘Historic Mistake’ in Reelection Campaign

Is Joe Biden's reelection campaign Really a historic mistake with the Latest polls suggest that the President's approval ratings are Plummeting leaving many wondering if He's made a grave political Miscalculation even CNN and Chuck Todd Can't ignore the downward…

THIS New Whistleblower is a ‘REALLY BIG DEAL’

THIS New Whistleblower is a ‘REALLY BIG DEAL’

So the latest in Hunter Biden story is a Really big deal uh and really going to Change the game uh I think on the 100 oh Yeah What well let me let me clarify here is It a really…

MTG ALLEGES the Biden Family Has ‘Created a Vast Criminal Enterprise’

MTG ALLEGES the Biden Family Has ‘Created a Vast Criminal Enterprise’

Disneyland announced late last week that They are going to host a first ever Pride night as part of the Park's after Dark series for two nights in June yeah Yes we've all been clamoring for it now It's here…

NRCC Takes Aim at Democrats Opposing Job-Saving Energy Bill

NRCC Takes Aim at Democrats Opposing Job-Saving Energy Bill

The recent rejection of an energy Package by certain Democrat members has Sent shock waves to the industry leaving Countless jobs in communities hanging in The balance the national Republican Congressional committee the nrcc has Taken aim at these politicians…

Biden Caught Doing Something REPULSIVE With Nancy #shorts

Biden Caught Doing Something REPULSIVE With Nancy #shorts

Joe Biden's Behavior towards Nancy Pelosi in the Rose Garden is Raising Eyebrows once again as the president Leaned in and kissed the former house Speaker on the lips before stumbling and Mumbling through a speech about helping Families while…

Biden Caught Doing Something REPULSIVE With Pelosi

Biden Caught Doing Something REPULSIVE With Pelosi

Joe Biden's recent Behavior towards Nancy Pelosi in the Rose Garden has Raised some serious questions about his Mental Fitness to lead our country and His sparked rumors of A Love Affair I'm Gary franchi who wants top news every…

Biden's Ireland Trip Under Fire #shorts

Biden’s Ireland Trip Under Fire #shorts

As the controversy races on the American People left wondering if their tax Dollars were used to pay for a trip that Was purely personal in nature Joe Biden's presidency has been marred by One scandal after another with his…

Biden's Ireland Trip Under Fire - Did Taxpayers Foot the Bill?

Biden’s Ireland Trip Under Fire – Did Taxpayers Foot the Bill?

Joe Biden's recent trip to Ireland has Raised eyebrows with questions being Raised over who foot the bill for his Family's travel expenses I'm Gary Franchi and I want to fight the fake News with you every day but you…

Biden's Economic Failure: Lower Tax Refunds Reflect Failing American Economy

Biden’s Economic Failure: Lower Tax Refunds Reflect Failing American Economy

Americans are bracing themselves for a Harsh reality this tax season as lower Tax refunds reflect the dire state of The economy under Joe Biden I'm Gary Franchi and news breaks fast make sure You catch it when it does…

Biden Family's Hidden Business Deals #shorts

Biden Family’s Hidden Business Deals #shorts

The extent of the corruption runs deep And New Revelations about their hidden Business deals have people shaking their Heads in disbelief the truth behind the Biden's crime family scandalous and the Continued investigation into their Misdeeds it should uncover…

Uncovering the Biden Family's Hidden Business Deals

Uncovering the Biden Family’s Hidden Business Deals

The Biden family has come under Fire for Their secret business dealings with Shocking details emerging about the ties To China and troubling Financial Dealings I'm Gary franchi and every day News breaks fast make sure you catch it When…

Hunter Biden Going to JAIL?! Here Are the RECEIPTS!

Hunter Biden Going to JAIL?! Here Are the RECEIPTS!

All right I'm going to try to say this Without uh getting my channel just Completely removed so this is the part Of the program where I'm supposed to Tell you guys to uh you know we like a Gentle…

Trump Leading in 2024 Polls #shorts

Trump Leading in 2024 Polls #shorts

In a shocking reversal a fortune Donald Trump has emerged as a clear FrontRunner In the race for the White House in 2024. The reception that Donald Trump received At the recent Ultimate Fighting Championship event has left USC President…

Shocking! New Survey Shows Trump Leading in 2024 Polls

Shocking! New Survey Shows Trump Leading in 2024 Polls

Brace yourselves for a political Earthquake that will shake the Establishment to its core the latest News from the political arena is a Massive blow to Joe Biden's Ambitions For a second term Don't forget to fight fake news with…

Biden’s Parole Pipeline #shorts

Biden’s Parole Pipeline #shorts

The United States Southern border is Facing a crisis unlike any other since President Joe Biden took office in 2021 He has failed to secure the Border Allowing illegal immigrants to flood Into the country at unprecedented rates The Department…