Ben Shapiro Destroys Candace Owens… Or Does He?
Ben Shapiro Destroys Candace Owens… Or Does He? Introduction In a recent video released by BlazeTV, Ben Shapiro unleashed a scathing attack on political commentator Candace Owens, calling her comments on the conflict in Gaza disgraceful. However, upon closer examination,…

Twitter Complaint Hotline Operator Addresses Issues
Watch the member-only portion of my show on DailyWire+: LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for new videos every day. Elon Musk continues to shake things up. Watch the full episode here: Stop giving your money to woke corporations that hate you. Get…

Biden Clears Homeless Encampment for Ridiculous Speech
This video is sponsored by Genucel. Use code “SHAPIRO” at checkout and get an extra 10% off: Watch the member-only portion of my show on DailyWire+: LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for new videos every day. Biden, was this necessary? Watch the…

Desperate Biden’s Closing Argument: Vote For Me, Or Democracy Ends | Ep. 1603
Watch the member-only portion of my show on DailyWire+: LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for new videos every day. The Ben Shapiro Show is sponsored by ExpressVPN. Protect your online privacy today at https://expressvpn.com/ben As Democrats’ doomsday inches closer, Joe Biden issues his…

No More Late Nights for Trevor Noah
Watch the member-only portion of my show on DailyWire+: LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for new videos every day. The New York Times is commenting on the red wave. Watch the full episode here: Stop giving your money to woke corporations that…

The Musk Twitter Takeover Is Back On! | Ep. 1587
Watch the member-only portion of my show on DailyWire+: LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for new videos every day. The Ben Shapiro Show is sponsored by ExpressVPN. Protect your online privacy today at https://expressvpn.com/ben Elon Musk moves closer to buying Twitter, revitalizing hopes…

They Hate You, and They’re Taking Your Money
Watch the member-only portion of my show on DailyWire+: If you are a business owner, if you are a person who pays their debts, if you oppose bailing out predatory lenders and deadbeat borrowers, this White House hates you and…

Biden’s Cynical, Dangerous Student Loan Bailout | Ep. 1561
Watch the member-only portion of my show on DailyWire+: LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for new videos every day. The Ben Shapiro Show is sponsored by ExpressVPN. Protect your online privacy today at https://expressvpn.com/benshapiroshow Joe Biden announces a student loan bailout of up…

“Diversity Equity & Inclusion” Really Means Shut Up
Watch the member-only portion of my show on DailyWire+: LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for new videos every day. Ben Shapiro’s speech for @Young America’s Foundation at Iowa State University here: Stop giving your money to woke corporations that hate you. Get…

The REAL Reason Fauci Is Retiring Early
Get 3 Months of ExpressVPN FREE!! Watch the member-only portion of my show on DailyWire+: LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for new videos every day. Watch the full episode here: Stop giving your money to woke corporations that hate you. Get your…

The Video Boston Children’s Hospital Doesn’t Want You to See
Get 3 Months of ExpressVPN FREE! https://www.expressvpn.com/benshapiroshow Watch the member-only portion of my show on DailyWire+: LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for new videos every day. Boston Children’s Hospital has been trending on social media due to a video series promoting transgender…

Goodbye, Liz Cheney | Ep. 1557
Watch the member-only portion of my show on DailyWire+: LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for new videos every day. The Ben Shapiro Show is sponsored by ExpressVPN. Protect your online privacy today at https://expressvpn.com/benshapiroshow Liz Cheney goes down to primary defeat in Wyoming;…

Why Should I Trust the FBI?
Use code PLUS for 35% off your DailyWire+ Membership and access all of my shows: Watch the member-only portion of my show here: Watch Seasons 1 and 2 of my show DEBUNKED: Join my book club for in-depth analysis of…

This Has NOTHING To Do With Classified Information
Use code PLUS for 35% off your DailyWire+ Membership and access all of my shows: Watch the member-only portion of my show here: Watch Seasons 1 and 2 of my show DEBUNKED: Join my book club for in-depth analysis of…

The DOJ And FBI Are Endangering The Country | Ep. 1556
Watch the member-only portion of my show here: Watch Seasons 1 and 2 of my show DEBUNKED: Join my book club for in-depth analysis of 1984, A Tale of Two Cities, and more: Watch full episodes of The Sunday Special:…

The History of the Jewish State | Ben Shapiro and Benjamin Netanyahu
Click here to join the member block: LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for new videos every day. In Ben Shapiro’s latest Sunday Special, he and Benjamin Netanyahu discuss the history of Israel and the Jewish State. Watch the full conversation here: Become…

Benjamin Netanyahu | The Ben Shapiro Show Sunday Special Ep. 130
Daily Wire members get access to Ben Shapiro’s Sunday Special on SATURDAY! Click here to sign up for a membership: Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s life has been spent serving the state of Israel, from the Israel Defense Force to…

It’s All About Self-Perception
A viewer reached out to Ben to discuss his disagreement about Ben’s view on race relations in America. #BenShapiro #TheBenShapiroShow #News #Politics #DailyWire #QAndA #QuestionAndAnswer #Mailbag #Race #BlackAmerica #BlackCulture #Behavior #ThomasSowell #Perception #SelfPerception #Jewish #Judaism #History #Human #HumanHistory #GoodBehavior #Bias…