Democrats Prioritize Politics Over Biden's Deteriorating Health

Democrats Prioritize Politics Over Biden’s Deteriorating Health

As President Joe Biden gears up for his Re-election bid his fellow Democrats are Trying their best to deflect concerns About his age and mental acuity however Recent polls have shown a significant Portion of the Democrat Party have Doubts…

Biden Stumbles Through Speech As Cognitive Abilities Rapidly Decline

Biden Stumbles Through Speech As Cognitive Abilities Rapidly Decline

Watch as we reveal the latest Gaff from President Biden that has sparked Concerns about his cognitive abilities And fitness for office we delve into Reports from sources close to the Administration that his advisors are Increasingly worried about his…

LOL! Coons Insists Biden is Fit for Office

LOL! Coons Insists Biden is Fit for Office

Top news right now Democrat Senator Chris Coons is staunchly defending President Trump's age and re-election Bid despite polls showing more than half Of Democrats don't think he should run Again due to his age Coons who serves as The…

Biden Stumbles Again, Cognitive Health in Question

Biden Stumbles Again, Cognitive Health in Question

Top news right now President Biden has Once again stumbled through a speech Struggling to pronounce the name of a Small business in Florida while reading From a teleprompter the incident has Raised concerns about his cognitive Abilities and fitness…

Sanders Vs. Wallace Heats Up: Testy Exchange over Age

Sanders Vs. Wallace Heats Up: Testy Exchange over Age

Former Fox News host Chris Wallace an Independent Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders recently had a heated exchange Over age raising concerns about the Ability of our elected officials to Serve the American people as Wallace Grilled Sanders on his age…

BREAKING: Harris Poised to Take Over? Senate Ally Claims She’s Ready to Be President

BREAKING: Harris Poised to Take Over? Senate Ally Claims She’s Ready to Be President

The future of America May rest on the Shoulders of Kamala Harris as a top Senate Ally of President Joe Biden Claims she's ready to be president Despite her poor approval ratings and Inability to earn favorable press Coverage Harris…

Kamala Harris’ Plot to Take Over as POTUS not Going Unseen

Kamala Harris’ Plot to Take Over as POTUS not Going Unseen

Is Kamala Harris secretly running for President in 2024 political pundits are Sounding the alarm about Joe Biden's Shaky grip on Power and the ambitious Vice president waiting in the wings you Don't want to miss this shocking report On…

Coons Touts Harris's Leadership Amid Criticism

Coons Touts Harris’s Leadership Amid Criticism

Top news right now as vice president Kamala Harris is being touted as ready To be president by a top Senate Ally of President Joe Biden this comes as Biden Announced his 2024 re-election campaign With Harris as his running…

Chris Wallace Grills Sanders on Age

Chris Wallace Grills Sanders on Age

Top news right now age has become a Major issue in American politics as both Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders face Scrutiny over their cognitive abilities The recent incident involving Biden's Memory lapses have raised concerns about His Fitness for…

Is Age Just a Number? Biden Defends His Reelection Bid

Is Age Just a Number? Biden Defends His Reelection Bid

In a recent press conference President Joe Biden defended himself against Accusations that he's too old to run for Re-election following a shocking poll That revealed a majority of Americans And even some Democrats share these Concerns despite facing criticism…

Age Concerns Plague Biden's Re-Election Announcement

Age Concerns Plague Biden’s Re-Election Announcement

Is America ready for a second term of Joe Biden doubts are being raised about Biden's age and ability to lead with his Re-election bid announcement a new CBS News poll shows only 22 percent of Democrat-leading Voters are excited…

Biden Defends His Decision to Run Again

Biden Defends His Decision to Run Again

Top news right now President Biden faces Tough questions about his age and Declining poll numbers ahead of his bid For a second term Young Americans Support for the president has plummeted To record lows according to new polls From…

OLD JOE is What Dems Don't Want to Talk About! #shorts

OLD JOE is What Dems Don’t Want to Talk About! #shorts

The Democrats know they have a problem And it's not just Donald Trump again They're terrified of the ticking time Bomb that is Joe Biden's age and health It's the Inconvenient Truth they don't Want to discuss the elephant in…

Biden's Age: The Elephant in the Room the Democrats Don't Want to Talk About!

Biden’s Age: The Elephant in the Room the Democrats Don’t Want to Talk About!

Well you won't believe what the Democrats are trying to hide from the American people they're not just playing Defense they're playing with fire Joe Biden's agent Health are the elephant in The room they don't want to talk about…

Biden's Re-Election Chances Dwindling Amid Age Concerns

Biden’s Re-Election Chances Dwindling Amid Age Concerns

WATCH Comrade Bernie Blow a Gasket after Nikki Haley Suggests Mandatory Mental Competency Tests

WATCH Comrade Bernie Blow a Gasket after Nikki Haley Suggests Mandatory Mental Competency Tests