Uproar in Colorado As Governor Signs Law Targeting The Unborn Even Up Until Birth

Uproar in Colorado As Governor Signs Law Targeting The Unborn Even Up Until Birth

Check Out The Noble Gold YouTube Channel https://youtube.com/c/NobleGoldInvestments Noble Gold is Who I Trust ^^^ Get more at Sub to Gary’s NEW Podcast on YouTube here: https://nnn.is/subscribe-to-G-Cast Sub to Gary’s original YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7hGbKgaf_DK3w_gwQweICg?sub_confirmation=1 Sub to the Next News…

Is INFANTICIDE Happening In Our Nation’s Capital? | @Pat Gray Unleashed

Is INFANTICIDE Happening In Our Nation’s Capital? | @Pat Gray Unleashed

Lila Rose, who runs the pro-life group Live Action, has come out with a story from Washington D.C. where 5 abortions indicate infanticide may have occurred. How much longer will this continue, especially when it’s written in a very important…

Ben Shapiro DEBUNKS Celebrity Abortion Arguments

Ben Shapiro DEBUNKS Celebrity Abortion Arguments

Get 15% OFF a ‘Daily Wire Essentials Kit’ from Naturally It’s Clean! #BenShapiro #Debunked #ProLife #DailyWire #Politics #Debate #News #PlannedParenthood

Liberals Rejoice Over Abortion Christmas Ornaments | @Slightly Offens*ve

Liberals Rejoice Over Abortion Christmas Ornaments | @Slightly Offens*ve

Dem Governor REFUSES To Ban Killing Baby Born Alive Following Failed Abortion

Dem Governor REFUSES To Ban Killing Baby Born Alive Following Failed Abortion

Pro-choice Activists Just Did the Most OUTRAGEOUS Thing Outside the Supreme Court

Pro-choice Activists Just Did the Most OUTRAGEOUS Thing Outside the Supreme Court

Ep. 1659 A Big Announcement - The Dan Bongino Show®

Ep. 1659 A Big Announcement – The Dan Bongino Show®

This Comment by a Texas Republican Caused the Socialists’ Heads To Explode

This Comment by a Texas Republican Caused the Socialists’ Heads To Explode

Black Genocide? Is NAACP Interested in Black Lives or Liberal Agenda? | Fearless with Jason Whitlock

Black Genocide? Is NAACP Interested in Black Lives or Liberal Agenda? | Fearless with Jason Whitlock

SICKENING: Radical Democrats Say Taliban SAFER Than Republicans in Texas

SICKENING: Radical Democrats Say Taliban SAFER Than Republicans in Texas

Biden Makes Statement To Reporters That’ll P*ss Off Every Progressive In America

Biden Makes Statement To Reporters That’ll P*ss Off Every Progressive In America


VIOLENT: Right to Life Marchers Were Just Assaulted for Supporting Unborn Babies

VIOLENT: Right to Life Marchers Were Just Assaulted for Supporting Unborn Babies


Republican Congresswoman Shares Testimony That Every Pro-Lifer Must See Immediately

Republican Congresswoman Shares Testimony That Every Pro-Lifer Must See Immediately

Rashida Tlaib Screams & Throws Tantrum In House Over How Texas Opened “The Floodgates”

Rashida Tlaib Screams & Throws Tantrum In House Over How Texas Opened “The Floodgates”

Lila Rose: This Is a Step Forward for Human Rights in Texas | Stu Does America

Lila Rose: This Is a Step Forward for Human Rights in Texas | Stu Does America

Ep. 1598 Institutions Are Collapsing, But Here’s The Good News - The Dan Bongino Show®

Ep. 1598 Institutions Are Collapsing, But Here’s The Good News – The Dan Bongino Show®

SAD! White House STILL Insists Biden Pretend to be Pro-Choice even after Threat from Bishops

SAD! White House STILL Insists Biden Pretend to be Pro-Choice even after Threat from Bishops

SICK. Pelosi DISGUSTED Everyone with this Answer to Abortion Question

SICK. Pelosi DISGUSTED Everyone with this Answer to Abortion Question

Joe Manchin Delivers ANOTHER Blow to Dems with Stance on Abortion

Joe Manchin Delivers ANOTHER Blow to Dems with Stance on Abortion

The Catholic League Releases SCATHING report Detailing 32 ways Biden Violated Core Church Teachings

The Catholic League Releases SCATHING report Detailing 32 ways Biden Violated Core Church Teachings