Socialists Turn Against Biden’s Refusal to Negotiate Debt Ceiling

In a classic game of political Maneuvering President Joe Biden is Playing hard to get when it comes to the House Republicans debt ceiling package Despite his public statements of concern And desire for an increase in national Debt ceiling his refusal to accept or Negotiate the legislation is Raising Eyebrows and tempers on both sides of The aisle even the usually left-leaning Bernie Sanders is calling for him to get To the negotiating table before it's too Late with the U.S national debt climbing Rapidly the stakes are higher than ever Before I'm Gary franchi and I want you To keep up with the latest news on the Debt ceiling and Other Stories by Tapping subscribe below and enabling Your notifications Foreign The U.S debt ceiling has once again Become the center of attention in Washington D.C as House Republicans led By Speaker Kevin McCarthy have Successfully passed a highly debated Debt ceiling package this legislative Bill raises the national debt limit by a Whopping 1.5 trillion dollars which will Eventually extend to March of 2024. Alongside this increase in the debt Ceiling the package also puts forth Several spending cuts and of course the Reobtainment of unused funds from the Pandemic at this point the debt ceiling

Package is the sole legislation that has Managed to pass the house thereby taking Center stage on the ongoing discussions About the national debt ceiling watch The sad part here is now the Democrats Need to do their job The president can no longer ignore by Not negotiating Senator Schumer if he thinks he's got a Plan put it on the floor see if you can Pass it and then we can go to conference But now the president can no longer put This economy in Jeopardy we lifted the Debt limit we've sent it to the Senate We've done our job the only body in here That's done theirs While President Joe Biden has repeatedly Emphasized his desire for a debt ceiling Increase so the U.S doesn't default he's Nevertheless staunchly refused to accept Or negotiate the aforementioned Bill Instead the president continues to Demand a debt ceiling increase without Reforms aimed at controlling and curbing The out-of-control federal spending that Has led to the current state of the National debt his press secretary has Been deflecting questions about Negotiations regarding the debt ceiling And is even called The GOP plan an Extremist Maga wish list watch As we what we have seen they've put Together is an agenda an extreme a Maga Wishlist that basically says they're

Connecting the two right they're saying To the Senate they're saying to the to The president that we have to go with This agenda in its full form However what's notable in the recent Development is that even Democrat Senators are now starting to act on Their mounting concerns about Biden's Inaction and political maneuvering many Senators are now urging him to come to The negotiation table before it's too Late and among them is socialist Bernie Sanders who is joined in making these Calls watch Is it now time for President Biden to Start negotiating on where the confines Are for any spending cuts Well I think we can start negotiating Tomorrow As the clock ticks down the need for Action is growing more Urgent by the day The time for political gamesmanship is Over it's time for President Biden to Show some leadership and work with Republicans in Congress to find a Solution that benefits all Americans the Consequences of inaction are too dire For anyone to sit on the sidelines and Watch the national debt is a ticking Time bomb and every day that passes Without a resolution only brings us Closer to the inevitable explosion the American peoples are better than Partisan bickering and brinksmanship

They deserve a government that works for Them and it's time for our elected Officials to live up to that Responsibility Let's continue the conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thank you for watching that report I'd Like to ask you a question are Widespread food shortages the next big Thing as far as I can tell it looks like It whenever I look around it seems like Everything is going to come crashing Down at any moment you're ready aren't You are you prepared with at least three Months worth of food stocked up in case Of an emergency well you can find new Lower prices for my Patriot Supply if You tap more below and go to where you'll find New lower prices from my Patriot Supply In addition save 200 on a three-month Emergency food kit and get free shipping As well there's enough food in this kit To nourish one person for a solid three Months the kit includes breakfast Lunches dinners drinks and snacks it Provides you with 2 000 calories a day Which will keep you full and satisfied Throughout the day now is the perfect Time for you to save two hundred dollars On our prepare with kit the Kits will be shipped to you fast and Free of charge that's prepared with we'll see you the next report For the next News Network I'm Gary Franchi You possess the power to impact the Global narrative please share this Report and to get more videos like this Become a Next News subscriber by Clicking the link below thank you for Watching the next News Network Foreign