Small Town Mayor Shocks Nation with Stunning Endorsement

As East Palestine Ohio residents fled Their homes due to hazardous materials Flooding their community in February After a train carrying toxic chemicals Derailed they were left to fend for Themselves while the local leaders Demanded help from the bite Administration unfortunately President Biden was just too busy making a Surprise stop in Ukraine instead of Addressing the disaster occurring in his Own country however president Trump Stepped up to provide much needed Aid to The residents of East Palestine now the East Palestine mayor Trent Conaway has Since endorsed Trump for 2024 and Praised his leadership during the crisis Join us as we dive deeper into what Exactly drived this mayor's endorsement Stay tuned on the latest news and follow Next news for more breaking updates Don't forget to subscribe and turn on Your notifications for more up-to-date Coverage The train derailment in East Palestine Ohio left many residents feeling Helpless and abandoned by their Government as toxic materials flooded Their Community they looked to their Leaders for assistance but unfortunately Their calls for help went unanswered Initially Biden and his administration Failed to show up and offer assistance Leaving the residence in the Lurch only

After heavy criticism did Transportation Secretary P but a judge visit the site Of the disaster mayor Trent Conaway Couldn't contain his frustration at the Inaction of the bite Administration During the annual Lincoln Day dinner he Spoke out about the lack of leadership That characterized the Biden presidency He lamented that Biden and his son were Too busy prioritizing their overseas Corrupt business deals instead of Helping Americans in their time of need He went on to praise president Trump for His leadership during the crisis and Endorsed him for his 2024 presidential Bid watch Before [Applause] First responder Mayor and he was the guy at the scene Four Leaves despite toxic fumes despite Oxygen gases He was there leading And we saw him my father saw that on TV Or watching it said where where is the Response But In tragic events like that if you handle So well Um When there's avoid in leadership people Step up they do what's right they want My father's not in government right now And hopefully we'll get him back in

There He said hey you know if we go up there Maybe just maybe We'll Force our elected officials to do Their jobs To get out there and to actually Represent the constituencies That we're supposed to be fighting for Because it feels like right now The Forgotten man or woman is Re-emerging because we're focused on Helping everyone else in the world but Ourselves so bear I just wanted to thank You for everything that you're doing and You know I I hope that it works I hope That a guy getting the attention that he Did anything because Uh yes I would I would first like to thank Jeremon and Hunter Biden for visiting oh That's right they were busy I'm sorry I'm sorry sorry Yes uh the visit um your father and you Uh really changed another way To realize that we had Ever helped me you know we had GTA Other agencies but But truly not help mentor Record without without you this could Have been a little different [Applause] Should I go to uh me and my residents You know We appreciate anything we have no idea

How much Is 2024 I you know I support your father's Reelection [Applause] Many residents of East Palestine have Also spoken out in support of Trump's Leadership they credit him with Providing much needed Aid during the Crisis while their government leaders Look the other way as the town worked to Recover from the disaster many felt as Though they were on their own and were Grateful for Trump's willingness to Assist them in their time of need and Stark contrast to buy administration's Response to the crisis has been Underwhelming and disappointing despite Promising to visit multiple times he Never once showed up until weeks after The derailment occurred The train derailment in these Palestine Exposed the lack of leadership and Commitment that characterizes the bid Administration while residents were left To fend for themselves president Trump Stepped up and provided much needed Aid During a time of Crisis mayor Trent Conaway's endorsement of trump for 2024 Speaks to that support that Trump has Earned from Americans who value Leadership in being heard through all The political noise Let's continue the conversation in the

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