Shocking Revelation: Conservative Channel Demonetized, Millions Affected!

In a shocking turn of events YouTube has Waged war on conservatives by Demonetizing the popular Next News Network these emotions run high and Livelihoods are threatened this blatant Act of censorship has left Millions Outraged and demanding answers Don't forget to stay informed with the Latest news on this important issue tap Subscribe down below to enable Notifications my name is Elijah Schaefer And this important topic comes to you Right now as the livelihoods of the team Behind the conservative Next News Network are in Jeopardy after YouTube Shockingly demonetized the channel Founder Gary franchi broke down in a Video titled emergency and Urgent prayer Pleading for support from their 2.2 Million subscribers Gary franchi who was visibly emotional Did not provide a reason for the new Monetization but called for viewers to Join him in prayer Francis said he Trusts God to remove the mountain of Obstacles in their path and is seeking Financial help from the Channel's Millions of subscribers in the video Description the channel urgently Requests donations to continue providing Expert independent reporting Highlighting the importance of Preserving the rights and freedoms of Americans with a modest fundraising goal

Of 117 thousand dollars the channel aims To make a lasting impact on restoring America and holding those who violate Freedoms accountable in the court of Public opinion For actually founded the next News Network after witnessing the Mistreatment of his 201 candidate Ron Paul by the media and his own party in a 2019 interview with uh Bazinga French Explained the importance of the Conservative news company in modern Media Frenchie credits the channel for Playing a significant role in the Election of Donald J Trump in 2016 and As the fate of the Republic hangs in Balance this demonetization raises Questions about YouTube's motivations And biased against conservative voices The silencing of a Channel with over 2.2 Million subscribers and over 1 billion Views such a dangerous precedent and Calls into question the platform's Commitment to support free speech the Issue has drawn widespread attention and Criticism with many expressing concern Over the impact of censorship on Political discourse and exchange of Ideas the demonetization of the next News Network serves as a stark reminder Of the power that Tech giants like YouTube wield over the lives and Livelihoods of millions of people now More than ever The Fight For Truth

Liberty and unbiased reporting is Crucial as the next News Network faces This unprecedented challenge the support Of their viewers and the public at large Will be instrumental in overcoming these Obstacles and ensuring the preservation Of free speech in the digital age you Can play a role right now in conquering Those challenges by tapping the link Below to give you to give your gift of Support to the channel and of course Supporting the free speech that we so Value in this nation In a world where free speech is Increasingly under attack then Demonetization of Next News Network and Some might say the demonization of it Serves as a chilling reminder of the Power that Tech Giants have over our Lives does the battle for truth and Liberty rages on it's time for all those Who value free speech to unite and Support those facing censorship together We can make a lasting impact and restore America to its founding principles stand With the next News Network and join the Fight for Freedom today by tapping more Below for the link to fight You possess the power to impact the Global narrative please share this Report and to get more videos like this Become a Next News subscriber by Clicking the link below thank you for Watching the next News Network