Shocking Poll Results: Majority of Americans Believe Biden Engaged in Corruption!

Shocking Poll Results: Majority of Americans Believe Biden Engaged in Corruption!


A recent poll published in The Washington Post has revealed shocking findings – more than half of Americans surveyed believe President Joe Biden engaged in illegal influence peddling. These claims have been further magnified by a report from the House Oversight Committee which alleged that the Biden family received $10 million from foreign sources while Biden was vice president. While the White House has denied the claims questions linger as investigations continue.

The Poll Results

The poll conducted by The Washington Post in collaboration with ABC News questioned over 1000 adults across the United States. 5% of respondents shared the belief that Joe Biden was involved in illegal influence peddling while just 37% said that they did not believe it to be true. The numbers are particularly striking given that Biden has only been in office for a few months underscoring just how much of an impact the allegations have had on public opinion.

The Report

In September 2020 the House Oversight Committee released a report outlining allegations that the Biden family received millions of dollars from foreign sources while Joe Biden was serving as vice president. The report specifically focused on Hunter Biden Joe Bidens son and his business dealings in China and Ukraine. The report also claimed that Hunter Bidens position on the board of a Ukrainian natural gas company caused a conflict of interest for Joe Biden and that the former vice president May have used his position to benefit his son and his business partners.

The White Houses Response

The White House has vehemently denied the accusations with Joe Bidens press secretary Jen Psaki stating during a press briefing that that the entire premise of the article referenced by the question is a Russian disinformation campaign that has been debunked by the media and many people. Despite the denial evidence of foreign financial transactions and potential conflicts of interest continue to emerge keeping the allegations alive.

Ongoing Investigations

An ongoing investigation spearheaded by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee is expected to delve into Hunter Bidens alleged connections to foreign prostitutes. The committee has also demanded the FBI release a crucial document that could tie the president to a pay-to-play scheme with a foreign national. The investigation has been further complicated by an IRS whistleblower who alleges a cover-up in the investigation.


The allegations against Joe Biden have rocked the nation with over half of Americans surveyed believing that he engaged in illegal influence peddling. While the White House denies any wrongdoing ongoing investigations – particularly into Hunter Bidens overseas financial dealings – are expected to continue to put pressure on Joe Biden and his administration. In uncertain times its advantageous to be prepared. Sites such as offer emergency food supply $200 off for a 3-month supply so you can be ready for whatever crisis May come your way.