Shalanda Young’s Lies: Biden Official Caught Misleading Americans

Dems lie again Shalonda young a senior By demonstration official has been Caught spreading falsehoods about Republican budget cuts and cancer Research funding her basis claims are Just the latest example of the deceitful Behavior of the by Administration the Democrats lies are an attempt to further Divide the country and push their own Agenda regardless of the truth stay Informed with unbiased news sources in Demand honesty and transparency from our Leaders tap subscribe below and enable Notifications In a recent White House briefing Shalonda young Biden's director of The Office of Management and budget accuse Republicans of planning to cut funding For veterans benefits and cancer Research these basis accusations are Just the latest example of the Administration's deceptive Behavior this Report will expose the truth behind her Claims and shed light on the gop's Commitment to important programs as well As the by administration's lack of Transparency Now her recent accusations have against Republicans have been shown to be Completely baseless the GOP has Consistently shown its commitment to Funding important programs like veterans Benefits and Cancer Research in fact Republicans have a long track record of

Supporting these critical programs and Have even increased funding for them in The past now let's take a look at her Blatant attempt to mislead the public Watch something tells me those top lines In that bill there are many Republicans Who could not vote for bills that Actually told the American people by Line item what it means We've talked a lot about veterans if People get nervous about those veterans Cuts And they decide not to do that What's next cancer research You zero out The highway money and the transportation Bill go look we've done this before Republicans have done this before 201-2014 Put a transportation bill on the floor Never left the floor Because those cuts hurt communities Whether you're represented by a Democrat Or Republican So we've seen a partisan process That's vague on purpose Where do you see the details Let's see when the Appropriations Process falls down I think they need to work out some of Their own issues to see if those top Lines really uh sell with Congressional Republicans writ large when we see Spending bills come through uh and then

They need to tell us what they can pass And get to the president's desk Young's claims are just the latest Example of the bite administration's Deceitful Behavior Democrats have been Pushing for a clean bill to raise the Debt ceiling and avoid default while Also attacking Republican proposals to Cut wasteful spending on green energy Initiatives this is just another attempt By the Democrats to push their own Agenda regardless of the truth the Reality is that the Republican proposal To cut wasteful spending on green energy Initiatives would lead to Greater Efficiency in savings while still Supporting important programs it's time For the by Administration to put Politics aside and start working towards Real solutions for the country Furthermore Young's attempt to claim that Republicans want to cut funding for Cancer research is particularly Concerning cancer is a devastating Disease that affects millions of Americans and funding for research is Critical to finding a cure Republicans Have consistently shown their support For cancer research and have even Increased funding in the past her Attempt at false accusations only serves To further divide the country and Distract from the real issues facing the

American people the by administration's Lack of transparency is also concerning The Democrats have been pushing for a Clean bill to raise a debt ceiling but They have yet to provide any real Solutions the American people deserve Honesty and transparency from the Leaders and it's time for the by Administration to start living up to These standards Shalonda Young's attempt at false Accusations against Republicans is just The latest example of the deceitful Behavior of the bite Administration the Reality is is that the GOP is a track Record of supporting critical programs While also working to reduce wasteful Spending it's time for the by Administration to start working towards Real solutions for the country instead Of playing politics and spreading lies Let's continue the conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thank you for watching that report the News is Relentless isn't it we can't Even comprehend it all let alone figure Out how it affects our finances a Majority of the time we might make Disastrous mistakes if we don't stay one Step ahead but we can save ourselves From Financial ruin if we do but where Can we find Reliable tips like these Well you got to check out Noble Gold's

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