Senator Kennedy grills Deputy Secretary of Energy over INSULTING budget request

In an exciting Senate hearing exchange Republican senator Kennedy of Louisiana Came unglued at the by demonstration's Deputy Energy Secretary for his climate Change budget proposal that exposed the Administration's incompetence leaving a Senior official speechless this exchange Is a must-see video of the week stay Informed on the latest developments on The Biden administration's budget Requests and climate goals to have Subscribe enable notifications to be up To date with the breaking news During a hearing of the senate committee On appropriation the senator Kennedy Left a Biden Administration official Specialist with a straightforward Question about the cost of reducing Global temperatures deputy secretary of Energy David Turk was unable to provide An estimate of how much it would cost to Become carbon neutral by 2050 and how Much that would reduce World Temperatures this comes as the bite Administration request of 38 increase in Green energy funding while cutting Nuclear energy funding in only slightly Increasing funding for fossil fuels and Kennedy wasted no time in calling out The buy demonstration's lack of clarity On its climate policy the center began By pointing out the budget request Discrepancies and funding with more Money going to Green energy and less

Going to nuclear and fossil fuels and he Proceeded to ask the deputy secretary How much it would cost to become carbon Neutral how much it would reduce global Temperatures watch Percent of global yeah but if you could Answer my question if we spend 50 Trillion dollars To become carbon neutral in the United States of America by 2050. You're the deputy secretary of energy Give me your estimate of how much that Is going to reduce World temperatures so So first of all it's a net cost Um it's what uh benefits we're having From getting our act together and Reducing all of those climate benefits We're seeing let me ask again maybe I'm Being maybe I'm not being clear if we Spent 50 trillion dollars to become Carbon neutral by 2050 in the United States of America how How much is that going to reduce World Temperatures this is a global problem so We need to reduce our emissions and we Need to do everything we can how much if We do our part is it going to reduce Well we're 1 of global you don't know Do you You don't know do you you can do the Math we need to you don't know do you Mr Secretary So we're 1 percent if you know why Won't you tell me if we went to zero

That would be 1 you don't know do you You just want us to spend 50 trillion Dollars And you don't have the slightest idea Whether it's going to reduce World Temperatures now I'm all for carbon Neutrality but you're the deputy Secretary of the Department of energy And you're advocating we spend trillions Of dollars to seek carbon neutrality and You can't and this isn't your money and My money it's taxpayer money and you Can't tell me how much it's going to Lower World temperatures or you won't Tell me you know but you won't in my Heart of hearts there is no way the World gets its act together on climate Change unless the US leads tell me how Much You can't tell me either that or you Won't Oh that was glorious Despite Biden's lofty goals of achieving Net Zero carbon emissions by 2050 the Administration has yet to provide a Clear plan for achieving these goals or A transparent understanding of the Associated costs Kennedy's pointed Questions about the administration's Climate policy under intense scrutiny Leaving many questions administration's Ability to deliver on a transparent Solution Senator Kennedy's questioning of deputy

Secretary David Turk reveals the bite Administration and the entire Democrat Party's complete scam on climate change When requesting a 38 increase in green Energy funding at a taxpayer price tag Of 50 trillion dollars we expect some Spectacular results with that kind of Money attached especially when we have Cheaper and more effective methods of Energy such as nuclear and fossil fuels That response from the secretary was a Spit in all of our faces Let's continue the conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thank you for watching that report There's no stopping the my pillow Maven Mike Lindell who will not be deterred by Liberal lies he's been at the Forefront Of the fight for Truth for years while Making sure that Americans remain Comfortable while they sleep the next News network is now partnering with him In order to provide you with the best Sleep of your life the patented Interlocking fill part of my pillow is Designed to adapt to your individual Sleeping position regardless of whether You're lying on your back your side or Your stomach as a result the Innovative Fill then holds its position all night Making it easier for you to fall asleep Quicker and stay asleep longer and Imagine pairing that like I did with the

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