Senator Vance is not holding back when It comes to his criticism of Joe Biden And his Reckless spending habits Vance Has accused the president of having the Audacity to demand that he not be held Accountable for his actions despite the Efforts of House Republicans to come up With a sound financial plan Biden Continues to refuse to play ball as the Default timeline draws closer Albert's crankshaft stay up to date with The latest news on America's debt crisis Tap subscribe below and enable your Notifications to be the first to know What's going on Senator J.D Vance has slammed President Joe Biden for his unwillingness to Negotiate on the debt ceiling calling it A reckless game of Russian roulette with The country's finances meanwhile House Republicans have advanced a plan to Raise the debt ceiling while reducing The national deficit by an estimated 4.8 Trillion over the next decade With the U.S rapidly approaching its Debt uh limit this summer the stakes Have never been higher for America's Financial future The limit save grow Act of 202’ which Was passed by House Republicans last Month would raise the debt ceiling by 1.5 trillion while tackling America's National deficit this is an important Move as the U.S is expected to reach its
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Debt limit as early as this summer However despite the urgency of the Situation President Biden refuses to Negotiate with White House Republicans It wasn't until he caved to house Speaker Kevin McCarthy McCarthy's Demands earlier this week that a meeting Was finally set up for May 9th to Discuss the plan Senator Vance criticized Biden's lack of Leadership and called on the president To show some initiative He argued that the House Republicans Have shown That paying the country's debts and Doing their job as leadership is more Important than any individual's Interests Even though some Democrats have Criticized what is in the House pass Legislation Vance believes that they Should come together and prioritize the Well-being of the country Take a listen House Republicans have done something Very simple but I think very profound They've Advanced a program that pays the Country's debts while putting the Country on a more sustainable pass path Financially and what Joe Biden has done Is refuse to negotiate from the very Beginning he's basically playing Russian Roulette with the country's finances and Telling Republicans they need to do
Exactly what he wants them to do or he's Going to drive the American economy off The cliff what Kevin McCarthy and House Republicans just did is save the President of the United States from his Own failure of leadership this could Have been a very productive process if Joe Biden from the get-go had shown some Leadership which is what you should Expect from the president United States Instead he put it all on House Republicans to come to a negotiated deal And that's exactly what they did the Last thing I want to say Echo Everybody's comments from from earlier Last thing I want to say is I've heard a Lot of criticisms from Democrats about Things they don't like in this package I Guarantee you all to 217 Republicans who Voted for it didn't like at least one Thing in the package but they came Together because paying the country's Debts and doing our job as leadership is More important than any single person Joe Biden should take a cue from Congressional Republicans show some Leadership come to the table the country Needs him to do exactly that treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned of an Economic catastrophe if the debt limit Is not increased in time however with The passing of the limit of the limit Save grow Act of 202’ it seems that the Republicans are taking action to prevent
Such a disaster House Republicans have advanced a Program that is sure to help pay a Fraction of the country's debts while Putting the country on a more Sustainable path financially however Biden's refusal to negotiate and Insistence that everything be done his Way was the last it was the last thing Needed to happen in this case I mean Look how well off we are financially From doing things his way for the past Year and a half right Good to know the House Republicans are There to try to fix this let's hope and Pray that they do Let us know your thoughts in the uh Comments below for the next News Network I'm rich crunch I'll see you next time Thank you for watching that report There's no stopping the my pillow Maven Mike Lindell who will not be deterred by Liberal lies he's been at the Forefront Of the fight for Truth for years while Making sure that Americans remain Comfortable while they sleep the next News network is now partnering with him In order to provide you with the best Sleep of your life the patented Interlocking fill part of my pillow is Designed to adapt to your individual Sleeping position regardless of whether You're lying on your back your side or Your stomach as a result the Innovative
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