Satanic Statues are NOT Welcome Here!

Satanic Statues are NOT Welcome Here!


In recent news, controversy has erupted as Satanists successfully displayed a satanic altar at the Iowa Capitol building. This shocking display includes the “seven fundamental tenets” of Satanism, electric candles, and a figure representing Baphomet. Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds is now facing criticism for allowing the display, as many argue that it goes against the principles of morality and religious freedom. In this article, we will delve into the concerns raised by this display and analyze why it is important to question the acceptance of such displays in our society.

The Hypocrisy of Allowing the Display

One of the main concerns surrounding the display is the perceived hypocrisy of Democrats who claim to champion the limits to rights, but at the same time, support the presence of this satanic altar. The argument is that if they truly advocate for limits to speech or expression that may cause harm, then they should also stand against this display, which many perceive as immoral and offensive. This hypocrisy has led to a heated debate and poses questions about the consistency of our lawmakers in upholding the values they claim to stand for.

Violation of Isaiah 5:20

Furthermore, many view the display as a violation of Isaiah 5:20, which explicitly addresses the calling out of evil. This biblical scripture warns against the distortion of morality, stating, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil.” The presence of the satanic altar can be interpreted as an embodiment of this warning, as it blurs the lines between what is considered acceptable and what is perceived as evil.

Constitutional Rights and Equal Treatment

While religious freedom is a fundamental principle in the United States, it is important to note that the Constitution does not require all beliefs to be treated equally. The Founding Fathers intended to protect the rights of individuals to practice their chosen religions, but this does not mean that all beliefs should be given equal time or recognition. Going against this principle, the acceptance of the satanic display undermines the sacred nature of religious freedom and opens up the possibility of granting legitimacy to beliefs that infringe upon basic moral values.

The Danger of Equating Evil with Good

Allowing the display of a satanic altar in a public space raises concerns about the role of morality and its impact on the preservation of the US Constitution. Immorality and evil have the potential to destroy the principles upon which the Constitution was built. By accepting and accommodating displays that represent immorality, we risk erosion of the very fabric that holds our society together.

The True Face of Satanism

Satanists claim not to worship Satan, but their actions suggest otherwise. While they may argue that Satanism is merely a philosophy or a way of questioning authority, the display of a satanic altar speaks volumes about their true intentions. The symbolism and imagery associated with Satanism are deeply rooted in the idea of rebellion and the glorification of evil. Thus, it is disingenuous to assert that these displays have no harmful implications.


In conclusion, the presence of satanic statues and altars in public spaces is a matter of great concern. Advocates for religious freedom must carefully consider the implications of allowing such displays, as they can undermine the principles of morality and the very foundations upon which our society stands. The acceptance of evil as equal to legitimate religions goes against biblical teachings and can lead us down a dangerous path. It is essential to recognize the potential harm that satanic symbols and altars can inflict on our society and take a stand against the normalization of immorality. Let us not forget the warnings of Isaiah 5:20, where good is called evil and evil is called good.