Sanders Vs. Wallace Heats Up: Testy Exchange over Age

Former Fox News host Chris Wallace an Independent Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders recently had a heated exchange Over age raising concerns about the Ability of our elected officials to Serve the American people as Wallace Grilled Sanders on his age and plans for 2024 questions about President Joe Biden's mental acuity continue to swirl With Biden forgetting which country he Visited last and the new poll showing a Majority of democratic voters won't want Him to run for a second term the American people are demanding answers is Our government being led by those who Are fit to serve or are we in danger of A leadership crisis the facts don't lie And the truth must be revealed thanks For watching Next News Network I'm Ivory Hecker filling in from my YouTube Ivory Hecker keep up with The latest news subscribe and enable Notifications below before I get to that A recession and a war are underway do You know who will be hit hardest when Cracks start to show you you need to Protect yourself and your family because Things will get worse Noble gold Investments is here to help savings and Investments that you've built are too Important to lose the precious metals Ira from Noble gold investment protects Your wealth and with every fifty Thousand dollar or more qualifying Ira

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Forget where he was and had to be Reminded by one of the kids well it's Unclear whether Biden was simply joking Or if he truly forgot the incident has Raised concerns about his ability to Lead take a look So far so I'm trying to think what was The last where was the last place I was It's hard to keep track Um I was I mean yeah you're right Ireland That's where it was How did you know that Biden is 78 years old and has been in Politics for decades as well like Sanders he has been praised for his Experience and knowledge but his age has Also been a source of concern as the Oldest person ever elected to the Presidency Biden has faced scrutiny About his cognitive abilities from the Beginning of his campaign well he has Released medical records showing that He's in good health the incident with The children has raised questions about His Fitness for office take a look Always says that he's not making stuff Up he's always having to tell people He's not making stuff up but I want to Have a look at the introduction to that Speech as well where he was using a Teleprompter and seemed to get a bit Lost The speaker

The former president And the Magan extremists were Cut From a Different Cloth They treat these folks They treat these folks And they think they're a threat They think that somehow We're going to go back Christian he still struggles being Convincing that these events doesn't he Yes he's he's uh you know the cognitive Decline and just the lack of ability to Get through a speech it's just become so Obvious that even outfits like the New York Times are now asking questions About his mental abilities because it's So obvious and you know before we went On air I was looking at a recent poll Not a Fox News but a mainstream poll This wasn't a conservative poll showing That only 30 percent of Americans want Joe Biden to be president again Oh Yep the issue of age is not a new one in American politics many presidents and Other leaders have served well into Their 70s and even 80s however the Increasing complexity of modern issues And the fast pace of the political world Have led some to question whether older Politicians can keep up some argue that Younger fresher faces are needed in Government to bring New Perspectives and Ideas the poll showing that a majority

Of democratic voters are calling for a New face in 2024 reflects this sentiment While Biden has only been in office for A few months many are already looking Ahead to the next election and Considering who might be the best person To lead the country going forward with Age becoming an increasingly important Factor in the mind of Voters it's Possible that we will see a shift toward Younger candidates in the coming years However the conversation between Wallace And Sanders and the incident with Biden Have highlighted the issue of age in American politics will experience and Wisdom are important traits and a leader It's also crucial that our leaders are Able to keep up with the fast pace of Modern politics and deal with the Complex issues facing our country as the Next election approaches voters will Have to weigh the benefits of experience Against the potential drawbacks of age And cognitive decline as American Politics continues to evolve the issue Of age will likely remain a topic of Discussion while experience is important There is a growing concern that older Politicians May not be able to keep up With the fast pace of modern politics And effectively govern in an Ever-changing world the recent incidents Involving Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden Have brought this issue to the Forefront

With many questions Questioning whether these older Politicians are still fit to lead As we look ahead to the next election And Beyond it's important to consider The role that age plays in our political System while it's crucial that our Leaders have experience in wisdom it's Also important that they are able to Effectively navigate the complexities of Modern politics and deal with the Challenging the challenges facing our Country as voters we must carefully Consider the strengths and weaknesses of Each candidate including their age in Cognitive ability in order to make Informed decisions about who should lead Our nation in the end the future of American leadership is in our hands by Saying informed engaging and meaningful Dialogue and carefully considering the Qualifications of each candidate we can Help ensure that our leaders are up to The task of guiding our nation forward In a rapidly changing world let's Continue this conversation in the Comments below for Next News Network I'm Ivory Hecker Thank you for watching that report There's a war and a recession cracks Will appear soon and guess who's going To be hit the hardest that's right you The situation will only get worse so you Must protect yourself and your family

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