San Francisco’s Red State Boycott BACKFIRES

    San Francisco’s Red State Boycott BACKFIRES

    After almost seven years the San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted to End its boycott of nearly 30 Conservative leaning States see back in 2016 the supervisors approved a local Ordinance that prohibited city employees From traveling to or doing business with 30 States that had passed of course in Their view restrictions on LGBT rights And the ordinance was later amended to Include states that they say had Restricted voting rights or limited Abortion access look at this restrictive Voting laws don't you love that did you Realize here in Texas we have Restrictive voting laws I didn't well They probably mean Eric you're black You're not allowed to vote right yeah Maybe that's exactly what they what it Is that they mean because I can't get an ID right you don't understand how you Know how to get it what's an ID what is That oh you poor dear no black man oh You poor dear I'm sure you can find a White man or I'm sorry probably a white Woman and was happy to explain to you How you're oppressed and explained to You how to do that it's fascinating how They twist these things so one month After amending the ordinance the board Voted seven to four to repeal it Completely citing in a report that the City found quote no concrete evidence The boycott was ever effective while it

    Actually cost the city more money to ban These states and damage the city's Bottom line it said while it is Difficult to quantify the exact cost of The boycott to the city the budget and Legislative analyst notes that a loss in Competition is likely to increase the City's Contracting cost by 10 to 20 Percent annually and these costs could Continue to increase and compound over Time as the city's potential contractor Pull shrinks if the list of band States Grows Oh I love this it's an economic lesson Uh for sure is what this is I guess they Really overestimated their reach there And how important it is that that Anybody let's say in definitely in these States would ever give a crap about how Anybody body out there it's California Let alone one city in California Whatever okay you don't want to work With Mario whatever I mean we we don't Have to do any of that you're only Hurting yourselves in the event that you Guys need to trade sell Goods move Um you know travel to that your own only You're handicapping yourself Um that that's really it because what Are we going to do like oh my God San Francisco doesn't want to trade with oh Okay like nobody's tripping ain't nobody Tripping and tripping at all on on that But you know I guess it shows that

    Certainly economics uh the law of it you Know and that's when people get to Changing right when people understand That their bottom line This is the point That I've been trying to drive on with People on our side of the aisle forever You know once that bottom line gets to Change and you see folk get to acting Right everybody's a virtue signaling uh Advocate until until that bottom line Gets to hurting for longer extended Period of time and they start filling it In their own Pockets it doesn't matter If it's the government it doesn't matter If it's a business doesn't matter better The same economic law applies and if you Want to get these people hit these People where it hurt you see what's Going on with Bud Light I heard they Just had some emergency meeting uh not Too long ago there are reports were Because of this whole ordeal and how Much money that they freaking they Freaking lost over people get to acting Right once they start losing money so What is it going to take for folks on Our side of the aisle even though with This they handicapped themselves but at Least applying that sort of logic we see That there's so much going on that's Incorrect unfortunately people are wired To let's get to try to get the Government to fix it and I'm looking at It more so

    Screw these people like get let's let's Stop funding them if we don't have to Right and definitely for these agencies That are more voluntary in the sense That they're they're largely subsidized By us and they're like Voluntary like beer you know what I'm Saying or or Disney or like a movie or Something I don't need I don't need that Function yeah John as you disenfranchise More people the economy improves that's Like what this story tells us and that's Also like literally true I mean if you Disenfranchise more people you would Have less stupid people voting for Things that affect all of us people who Actually are productive members of Society and the economy would improve This is not my idea I think Hayek or you Know one of these economists wrote about This Milton Friedman but it is true Interesting I hadn't heard that have you There's a French well I'll say this Trying to appeal to the widest Demographic possible is economical Literacy yeah and you get a lot of Definitely and entertainment you would Get disenfranchised people as a result Yeah exactly so I would certainly say That I see that in art all the time That's why IDW is not going broke go Look it up it's just a bad incentive Like people who are taking more from the System than they contribute having a

    Stake in voting on how that money is Spent it's being taken from people who Actually do contribute it makes no sense Which is I mean the founding fathers Didn't want it to be a right but Nonetheless right I agree if you like That clip there is plenty more where That came from click the link in the Description below to subscribe to the News and why it matters YouTube channel To watch the full episode