Ron DeSantis’ shadow presidential campaign

Ron DeSantis’ Shadow Presidential Campaign: Principled Conservatism and Bold Leadership


In American politics presidential campaigns tend to start earlier and earlier every four years. Even though the next presidential election is three years away the Republican Party already has a frontrunner candidate: Ron DeSantis the governor of Florida. Governor DeSantis has not announced his candidacy yet but he has been subtly building a shadow presidential campaign with bold policies and strategic moves. In this article we will explore the reasons why Ron DeSantis is a potential presidential candidate for the 2024 election.

Desantis’ Principles and Bold Policies: Winning Strategy

Ron DeSantis is a man of principled conservatism. This phrase is not only used by his inner circle but also by the GOP establishment. Governor DeSantis has been implementing bold policies in Florida earning him national attention and praise from both conservatives and moderates. Some of his policies include:

  • Prohibiting schools from teaching critical race theory
  • Signing an election integrity bill
  • Banning vaccine passports
  • Enforcing anti-riot laws
  • Protecting small businesses
  • Defending law enforcement

By standing firm on these policies Ron DeSantis has proved to be a reliable and accountable leader for his state. His principled stand on controversial issues has also made him the darling of many Republicans who are tired of weakness and compromise on issues that matter to them.

The Resignation of Desantis’ Press Secretary: More Evidence of a Shadow Presidential Campaign

One of the reasons why Ron DeSantis’ shadow presidential campaign is gaining so much attention is that his team has been making strategic moves that reveal his plans. Recently Christina Pushaw Ron DeSantis’ press secretary for the Governors office resigned to join the states political operation. In her resignation letter she cited DeSantis’ principles as the reason for her departure.

This move is significant because it signals that Ron DeSantis is building a team of experts who will help him execute his vision. It also indicates that the governor is taking a step further in his political journey by building his team and expanding his reach.

Ron DeSantis Resonates With Floridians

Ron DeSantis was re-elected by Floridians less than a year ago with a whopping 64% of the vote. The people of Florida strongly support his bold leadership and principled conservatism. DeSantis’ actions during the COVID-19 pandemic such as keeping the state open for business made him a national figure and earned praise from people like Tucker Carlson Joe Rogan and many more.

Supporting Free Speech and Expression: Join Free Talk Platform

Ron DeSantis is not afraid to take on big tech companies who censor conservative voices. Thats why OAN a conservative news outlet has launched Free Talk a new social platform that supports free speech and expression. Governor DeSantis has voiced his support for this platform and is encouraging people to join the site. This move shows that DeSantis is not only a leader who is willing to stand up for his principles but also someone who cares about the fundamental rights of American citizens.

KlowdTV: The Affordable Way to Watch OAN Live

If you are interested in following Governor Ron DeSantis and his political journey you can watch OAN Live by subscribing to KlowdTV for as little as $2.50 per month. KlowdTV offers a subscription to watch OAN Live which is where you can find all the latest news and updates on Ron DeSantis’ shadow presidential campaign.


Ron DeSantis’ shadow presidential campaign is gaining traction thanks to his bold policies strategic moves and unwavering principles. He has been building his team expanding his reach and winning the hearts of the people of Florida. Ron DeSantis is a potential frontrunner for the 2024 Republican nomination and his policies and vision resonate with many conservative Americans. If you are interested in following his journey you can watch him on OAN Live and join Free Talk the social platform that champions free expression and free speech.

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About the Author: realpeoplerealnews