Are you aware of the hidden tactics employed by BlackRock, the financial giant? In this blog post, we will explore how RFK Jr. exposes BlackRock for their role in stripping away your hard-earned wealth. Discover the shocking truth behind their actions and how it directly affects you. Stay tuned to uncover the secrets that BlackRock doesn’t want you to know.

Title: RFK Jr. Exposes BlackRock for Stripping Wealth from You: The Plight of Struggling Americans


In today’s hard-hitting exposé, we unveil the alarming truth behind BlackRock’s role in the economic struggles faced by countless Americans. With 57% of the population unable to afford basic human necessities, it is increasingly evident that the wealth disparity in the country has reached unprecedented levels. Let’s dive deep into the dire consequences faced by ordinary citizens and explore the root causes of this troubling trend.

  1. The Desperation and Depression Gripping America:

As income disparity worsens, it becomes increasingly difficult for many Americans to keep their heads above water. The situation is eerily reminiscent of similar struggles experienced in Latin America, as desperation and depression take hold. From families struggling to put food on the table to individuals grappling with the burden of homelessness, the human toll is undeniable.

  1. The Shrinking Average Income and Rising Costs:

To exacerbate matters, the average income in America has plummeted by $5,000, while the cost of basic needs continues to soar. This alarming trend leaves an increasing number of individuals unable to meet their essential expenses and traps them in a cycle of financial hardship. As a result, 35% of Americans are now forced to rely on credit cards to bridge the widening gap between income and expenses.

  1. Skyrocketing Credit Card Debt:

As struggling individuals seek solace in credit cards, the nation’s credit card debt has surpassed a staggering $1 trillion, often burdened by an average interest rate of 22%. This crippling debt further exacerbates the economic plight of ordinary citizens, as they find themselves trapped in a never-ending cycle of repayments, often unable to make significant headway.

  1. Unveiling the Primary Culprits:

Peering behind the curtain, it becomes apparent that BlackRock, alongside State Street and Vanguard, stands as the primary owner of banks responsible for this mounting debt crisis. These corporate giants control immense power and play a pivotal role in shaping the financial landscape, leading many to question their motives and practices.

  1. Foreclosure Crisis 2.0:

With such concentrated ownership, it comes as no surprise that 700,000 homeowners have lost their properties to these entities, exceeding the losses witnessed during the 2008 mortgage crisis. The devastating consequences of this crisis extend far beyond individuals losing their homes; it erodes their hope for financial stability, hindering the ability to rebuild and recover.

  1. Stripping Away Land Equity:

While the housing crisis unfolds, another insidious phenomenon is transpiring: the systematic stripping away of land equity from everyday Americans. This dire situation adversely affects their ability to secure loans to start businesses or pursue entrepreneurial endeavors. Non-farm companies, including BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard, now command ownership over half of the farmland in certain states, further concentrating wealth in the hands of corporations.

  1. Against Principles of Democracy:

The concentration of land ownership and financial power by these corporations fundamentally contradicts the principles of democracy, as the few dictate the economic fate of the many. This alarming trend must be addressed to ensure a fair and equitable society that provides opportunities for everyone, not just a select few.


The staggering statistics and deep-rooted issues presented in this article paint a bleak picture of economic inequality in America. As RFK Jr. exposes the role of BlackRock in stripping wealth from struggling Americans, it serves as a call to action to reimagine an economic system that prioritizes fair distribution of resources. Addressing the plight of everyday citizens and re-establishing a sense of economic stability for all should be at the forefront of our collective efforts. Only then can we redefine the American dream and create a society that truly works for everyone.