REVENGE! Poll After Poll Shows Trump Beating Biden in LANDSLIDE | PANIC in DC


I have a brand new studio with Donald Trump’s mugshot on the wall. Let me tell you, people are excited about it. It’s become iconic, a symbol of a man who defied all odds and rose to power. And guess what? New polling shows that Trump is surging against Biden and would beat him in a landslide. That’s right, ladies and gentlemen, revenge is in the air and panic is setting in in DC.

Trump’s Lead:

In a recent MLAC national survey, it was found that Trump leads Biden by a whopping four points. This is not just a small margin, it’s a significant lead that has sent shockwaves through the political landscape. There has been a shift of Biden voters switching to Trump, leading to an eight-point turnaround in favor of the former President. The tides are turning, and Trump is riding the wave of popularity.

Key Battleground States:

But it doesn’t stop there. Trump is not only leading in the national polls but also in key battleground states. In fact, he is leading Biden 49 to 41 in these crucial states. This is a significant advantage for Trump, as winning these states will surely secure him another term in the White House. The momentum is on his side, and he’s not slowing down.

The Popular Vote:

Contrary to what many believed, Trump is now leading the popular vote according to the polls. This is a stunning development that has left pundits scratching their heads. It seems that the American people still trust Trump to lead them, despite the constant attacks and criticism he’s faced. The power of his message and the connection he has with his supporters cannot be overstated.

Florida: Trump’s Dominance:

Nowhere is Trump’s dominance more evident than in Florida. This battleground state has always played a crucial role in presidential elections, and this time is no different. Trump is not just leading in Florida, he is dominating against Biden in a big way. The support he enjoys from the people of Florida is unparalleled, and it seems that they are not ready to let go of him just yet.

Other Polls Confirm Trump’s Lead:

But it’s not just the MLAC survey and the Florida polls that show Trump beating Biden. Other recent polls also confirm the same. The support for Biden is waning, while Trump’s popularity is on the rise. It seems that people are not easily swayed by the promises and rhetoric of the left. They want a leader who can deliver results, and they believe that Trump is the man for the job.

Loss of Support:

One of the reasons why Biden is losing support is his inability to connect with certain voter groups. Latino and black voters, in particular, are showing a decline in support for the former Vice President. This is a significant blow to his campaign, as winning over these demographics is essential for success. Trump, on the other hand, has managed to maintain and even increase his support among these groups.


In conclusion, the polls don’t lie. It’s clear that Trump is surging against Biden and would beat him in a landslide. The support for Trump is growing, while Biden is losing ground. The American people are speaking loud and clear, and their message is one of revenge. They want a leader who will fight for them, who will put America first, and in their eyes, that leader is Donald Trump. The panic in DC is palpable, and it’s only going to get worse as the election draws near. Brace yourselves, folks, we’re in for a wild ride.

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About the Author: realpeoplerealnews