REPORT: Putin is preparing to attack the UK | Wake Up America Weekend

NATO’s Secretary General Jen staltenberg Meeting with Ukrainian President Vladimir zielinski this week in key for The first time since the War Began Joining us now is former Air Force Brigadier General NATO advisor and Newsmax contributor Blaine Holt welcome Sir Good to be with you both General Stoltzenberg says he is open to Ukraine Joining NATO as former U.S adviser to Nato but I’m is is now really the right Time for Ukraine to join NATO Uh no it’s not the right time and I Don’t really think that was the purpose Of uh Secretary General stoltenberg’s uh Remarks he understands full well that Ukraine can’t be a member right now were They to somehow miraculously get a Unanimous vote to come into the alliance That’s essentially saying the alliance Has now invoked Article 5 and and would Be it at War at in World War III but What he is saying is is that after this War gets wrapped up whenever or however That looks Um then the alliance will be very Interested in bringing Ukraine into the Fold and that’s still going to go Through a political process to Bear what He’s trying to do is create pressure on Moscow to say we’re going to take them In anyway uh even though those were some Of your stated goals and to create

Political tension around the Kremlin and Around Putin that NATO’s not backing Down NATO’s still putting its arms Around Ukraine you know this headline Came out from the telegraph Vladimir Putin is preparing to attack the UK now I’m not buying into that General but I Wanted to at least ask you your opinion After seeing that Yeah so I read that article and where We’re at is probably a misinterpretation Of Russian strategic intent the Russians Have spy ships they’ve been been Operating off of the UK for quite some Time Um they’re doing things things they’re Actually real Intel intelligence and Funds their uh communication lines Underwater pipelines Um you know and they’re very upset about Nordstream one and nordstream two no Matter who claims they did it or didn’t Do it uh and they’re mapping out what it Would look like to take apart England uh From around the island in the event of War they’re sending a message to the UK That they’re preparing for war with the UK but this is to keep pressure on them As the UK supports Ukraine Um this is this has got two pressure Points that they’re pressuring them on But it does not mean that Russia’s got An imminent attack plan for the UK War Planning certainly that’s very true

And in general according to documents Allegedly leaked by Jack Tashara that’s A 21 year old who somehow got some sort Of clearance and was able to leak this Intelligence information Isis is using Afghanistan as a terror base once again After all the work everything we’ve done There for 20 years in this disastrous Withdrawal how far back have We Now set Ourselves Oh my gosh that answer is infinite we Set ourselves so far back the day we Retreated out of Afghanistan the way we Did uh think of everything we went Backwards we set the Taliban up in a way That they they’re far better off than They were uh 911. they’ve got power Projection with terrorist groups in Country and they’re starting to work Together uh you’ve got women that have Gone absolutely backwards back to Medieval Times and uh and the way that The the Taliban brutalizes people has Not stopped and and we will and then our Allies and partners are wondering what The heck we’re doing and if we’re a Reliable partner or not so this is the Gift that keeps on giving what I really Uh like that you’re doing is we’re Focusing now not on a 21 year old Getting access to that and leaking it We’re focusing now on what does that Information say and and how does that Imperil our national security and what

Should we learn from it you know General As someone that has been on the ground In combat uh when I say this what you Just spoke about is heartbreaking I want To I use that word specifically because How many of our men and women in uniform Are committing suicide and a big part of It is because they felt that the Sacrifice that they made on the ground In Afghanistan and elsewhere was for Nods and we’re we’re worse off now than We were so why did they do all this it’s One thing to say I lost my leg or my Limbs or my whatever I gave so much Because I believed in the mission and What is that mission now I mean has it All been obviated Well we didn’t have a proper end State We through the 20 years of warfare we Never saw where the exit door was really Going to end up being Trump Administration said well we’re going to Create one it won’t look like Victory on The deck of the Missouri but we’re going To create one but you’re getting at the Exact heart of the matter what what has Happened to the force in the wake of the Kabul failure is this tremendous Breaking of Faith with the American Fighting man or woman this is a total Departure of that and it’s it’s horrific To watch Foreign [Music]


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