Rep. Virginia Foxx, Oversight of the Department of Education

Rep. Virginia Foxx: Calling for Appropriate Oversight of the Department of Education


Congresswoman Virginia Foxx the Ranking Member of the House Committee on Education and Labor has been a vocal advocate for education reform and has long been a proponent of accountability in the education system. In a recent speech she called for appropriate oversight of the Department of Education claiming that it is broken and doing illegal things. In this article we will explore Foxxs stance and what it means for the American education system.

What Does Foxx Want to Achieve?

Foxx believes that it is time for Secretary Cardona and the administration to be held accountable for their actions regarding the Department of Education. She argues that the Department is broken and has been doing things illegally citing multiple reports of corruption and mismanagement. Foxxs main goal is to bring about appropriate oversight and accountability for the Departments actions.

The Broken Department

Foxx has been a vocal critic of the Department of Education and with good reason. The Department has been the subject of multiple reports of corruption and mismanagement. In 2020 alone the Department was found to have squandered billions of dollars on failed education programs used taxpayer money to lobby Congress for more funding and ignored evidence that a program designed to help student borrowers was harming them instead.

Oversight for the Department

It is clear that the Department of Education is in need of appropriate oversight. Foxx has called for the Secretary to respond to questions about the broken department and for Congress to take a closer look at its practices. She believes that if the Department is left unchecked it will continue to waste taxpayer money abuse its power and harm American students.

Following Foxx and OAN

If you are interested in following Foxxs updates on the Department of Education and education reform you can do so on her social media platforms. She can be found on Facebook Twitter and Instagram.

Additionally One America News Network (OAN) has been covering Foxxs efforts and provides in-depth coverage of education reform. The full show can be watched on OANs website or with their Live App and their new social platform called Free Talk allows for free speech on education topics. OAN Live can also be watched on KlowdTV with a subscription starting at $2.50 a month.


Rep. Virginia Foxx is a passionate advocate for education reform and appropriate oversight of the Department of Education. She believes that the Department is broken and is doing illegal things and she is calling for accountability and transparency. If you are interested in following her efforts or learning more about education reform be sure to check out her social media platforms and One America News Network.

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