My Patriot Supply | Weeks Food Supply Ammo Can | Prepare For Food Shortage

My Patriot Supply Week Food Supply Ammo Can | Prepare For Food Shortage

Grab ’N’ Go food for emergencies!

The 1-Week Food Supply Ammo Can provides one person 58 servings of storable food to be used for up to 7 days. It averages 2,000+ calories/day. This food storage kit includes 9 food varieties.

Use for short-term emergencies including power loss, hurricanes, earthquakes, blizzards, and evacuations. Or camping.

The ammo can makes it easy to grab ’n’ go! It’s a great container.

These Ready Hour meals are packaged in zipper resealable, heavy-duty 4-layer pouches. Each pouch includes oxygen absorbers for added long-term storage. Your food can stay fresh for up to 25 years. Foods are grown and packed in the USA.

The sturdy, locking ammo can includes a gasket seal that helps to keep the food pouches inside safe from most critters, light, water, and damage. The can measures 14 x 7 x 8.5 inches. It’s made of a plastic that has a high resistance to heat and acts as a barrier to moisture. You’ll like the collapsible carrying handle too. Fits in any vehicle.

These foods are easy to prepare.
To make a meal, all you do is boil water,* pour in the food, simmer for 10 to 15 minutes, stir, and serve up a great meal. Add items from your garden or pantry to enhance your meals, add nutrition, or season to taste. Feel free to include some of your favorite spices.

*3.6 Gallons of water are needed to prepare the entire kit. This food kit ships with a weight of 9.95 pounds. Total calories 14,063.

Consider food items you already have on hand. Then, take this 1-Week Emergency Food Kit and customize your supplemental food storage plan to taste, diet, or nutritional needs with these popular additions:

Fruit, Veggie & Snack Mix
Meat & Protein Kit
Survival Shot Emergency Food Supplement

Food storage is a wise investment so you can thrive when there’s an emergency. It’s best to store this emergency food in a dry, cool location — a dark area, if possible – at temperatures between 55°F and 70°F. Actual shelf life may vary based on individual storage conditions.

Based on inventory levels, MPS may substitute a food product with like-kind items of equal or greater value to expedite delivery.

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