RACIST Streamer gets checked by Texan


The prevalence of online hate speech and xenophobia has increased considerably over the years. This has resulted in many instances of discriminatory and racist content being shared on various online platforms. Such content can cause significant emotional distress for many people and lead to tensions in various communities. Recently a video has surfaced on the internet where a streamer makes offensive and discriminatory comments about Japan and its people. In this article we discuss the incident and how a Texan proved to be a shining example of how to handle such situations respectfully.

The Incident

In the video the streamer threatens to harm Japan again making reference to the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. The tone of the video is xenophobic and insensitive with the conversation being aggressive and disrespectful. The speaker makes derogatory comments towards Americans as well in an attempt to deflect their criticism. Such comments might appeal to a specific group of people but they can be extremely hurtful to those who have faced discrimination in the past.

The Response

In response to the video many people took to social media to voice their criticism and concern. One person in particular caught the attention of many by responding in a very measured and respectful manner. Benny Johnson a Texas-based activist posted a video where he discussed the issue and shared his thoughts on the matter.

Bennys Response

In his video Benny condemned the racist and offensive comments made by the streamer and described them as “absolutely unacceptable.” He also shared how such hate speech can have a long-lasting impact on individuals and communities. Benny encouraged people to voice their concerns while treating others with respect and empathy.

Benny also shared a link to subscribe to a podcast and sign up for the Benny Newsletter where he provides regular updates on his activism work. He also mentioned his social media channels where people can follow him for more content.


The incident highlights the need for people to be mindful of their actions and words online. It is easy to get carried away and forget that our words can have a significant impact on others. However it is essential to remember that every individual deserves respect and empathy regardless of their race gender or religion. Bennys response was a great example of how to handle such situations respectfully and we could all learn from his approach. We hope that incidents like these will continue to be called out and perpetrators will be held accountable for their actions.

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About the Author: realpeoplerealnews