The thing that gets me about the Anti-trans conservative rhetoric around Like puberty blockers for Trans kids is That if they really did care about Making sure children weren't being Mutilated or weren't being like coerced They would be the number one advocates For puberty blockers not only because They're empirically supported and Because they were developed for Cisgender people but because they would Realize that forcing somebody to go Through a puberty with a dominant Hormone that is misaligned with your Actual gender that would be by their Terms mutilation I'm gonna take a shot In the dark here and say that this Person has never actually listened to a Conservative because this absolutely This makes no sense puberty blockers Were designed to temporarily delay Precocious puberty in children they were Not designed to indefinitely stop Puberty in healthy teens so you can pump Them full of cross-sex hormones and how Ideologically warped do you have to be To think that 18 going through natural Puberty is akin to mutilation stop Trying to convince children that their Bodies are in need of treatment simply For things like puberty or having Breasts you absolute groomers
Puberty is “Mutilation”?