Pastor gets SIGN FROM GOD ⚡️😳

Title: Pastor Gets SIGN FROM GOD: A Divine Encounter that Calls for Reflection and Redemption


In my years of serving as a pastor, I have witnessed many remarkable experiences that have affirmed my faith and strengthened my connection with God. Recently, I had a profound encounter that left an indelible mark on my spiritual journey. In this article, I will recount the events leading up to this momentous occasion and delve into the lessons it holds for both the Church and the world.

Heading 1: The Future Lies with the Creatively Maladjusted

Subheading: Embracing the Unconventional Path to Spiritual Growth

I firmly believe that the future of the Church and the world rests in the hands of those who dare to think differently, question societal norms, and challenge the status quo. The creatively maladjusted, those who refuse to conform to oppressive traditions or stagnant beliefs, can bring about much-needed transformation and progress. Through this encounter, I understood that God does not call us to be mere followers but to be active participants in shaping a better world for all.

Subheading: Minority Sexual and Gender Minorities as Teachers

Among the groups that have much to teach the Church are minority sexual and gender minorities. They offer a unique perspective on the struggles of acceptance, identity, and love. Their experiences illuminate the crucial lessons of dying to self and embracing new life in the context of personal growth and communal harmony. The Church must open its heart and listen attentively to their stories, for they are beacons of wisdom and inspiration in the journey towards inclusivity and compassion.

Heading 2: Recognizing the Pitfalls in Spiritual Leadership

Subheading: False Prophets Among Us

While many pastors and leaders are committed to their flock, there are those among us who lead astray under the guise of spirituality. The applause they receive may blind them to their misguided actions. It is essential to discern the authenticity of the messages they preach. We should be cautious of those who exploit their positions for personal gain or manipulate the congregation through false miracles and deceptive practices. Let us remember that true spirituality lies not in the thunderous applause but in the quiet pursuit of righteousness and humility.

Subheading: Confronting Demonic Influence

In light of my recent encounter, I have become acutely aware of the existence of individuals who, unfortunately, are demonically possessed. These individuals, unknowingly or otherwise, lead the vulnerable astray, endangering both their spiritual and emotional well-being. Judgment will not be pleasant for these deceptive individuals, as they toy with the faith of those who trust in their spiritual guidance. It is our duty to be vigilant, to discern the intent behind their actions, and to protect the sanctity of the Church from such corrupt influences.


My recent encounter with what I believe to be a sign from God has had a profound impact on my understanding of faith, spirituality, and the responsibilities of leadership. In this article, I have reflected on the significance of being creatively maladjusted, the lessons we can learn from minority sexual and gender minorities, and the need to be cautious of false prophets and demonic influences within our faith communities. May this holy encounter serve as a call to action for all believers to remain steadfast on the path of righteousness, immerse ourselves in humility, and seek a genuine connection with our Creator.

Remember, God shall not be mocked. Our responsibility is not to entertain, manipulate, or deceive, but rather to reflect His love, grace, and truth in all that we do.

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About the Author: realpeoplerealnews