Parents At Glendale Unified School District Demand Transparency From School Officials


In a recent video by One America News Network, the issue of transparency in public education is brought to light. The video focuses on the demand for transparency by parents at the Glendale Unified School District in California, who have expressed their concerns over the weaponization of grievance and lack of trust in school officials. It also promotes various OANN platforms, including their website, app, and live news streaming service, as a cost-effective and informative alternative to mainstream news sources.

Demand for Transparency

The video begins with a recap of Governor Gavin Newsom’s recent visit to Glendale, where he met with parents and expressed concerns about the weaponization of grievance in public education. Parents at the Glendale Unified School District have been demanding transparency from school officials, citing a lack of trust in the handling of school funds and the allocation of resources. They feel that their voices are being ignored and that they are not being given a say in important decisions that impact their children’s education.

Free Talk Platform

One America News Network highlights the role of technology in promoting free speech and transparency. They mention Free Talk, a new social media platform that allows users to freely express their opinions without the fear of being shadowbanned. This platform promotes the need for free speech and encourages people to share their views without opposition or censorship.

OANN Website and App

The video also promotes the OANN website and app for exclusive full-length content. This platform provides viewers with access to news, current events, and in-depth analysis of national and international issues. With its easy-to-use interface, users can stay informed about important issues and events at their convenience.

OANN Facebook and Instagram

Although the focus of the video is on the need for transparency in public education, the video also highlights the availability of OANN Facebook and Instagram pages for viewing. Social media platforms have become a major source of information for many people, and OANN recognizes the importance of having a presence on these platforms to reach a wider audience.

OAN Live on KlowdTV

One America News Network recognizes the need for cost-effective ways for people to stay up-to-date on national and international news. The video promotes OAN Live as a reliable and affordable alternative to mainstream cable news channels. Viewers can sign up easily at and have access to OAN Live on KlowdTV starting at just $2.50/month.


The parents at the Glendale Unified School District have expressed their concerns over transparency in their children’s education. One America News Network recognizes the importance of transparency and free speech in promoting a healthy democracy and highlights various platforms, including Free Talk, OANN website and app, OANN Facebook and Instagram, and OAN Live on KlowdTV, as alternative sources of information for viewers. By providing different options for viewers to stay informed, One America News Network is contributing to a more transparent, accessible, and democratic society.

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About the Author: realpeoplerealnews