PANIC: CNN SAVAGES Biden for 3 Min-Straight | ‘Joe Is LOSING To Trump!’ 🤣

PANIC: CNN SAVAGES Biden for 3 Min-Straight | 'Joe Is LOSING To Trump!' 🤣

PANIC: CNN SAVAGES Biden for 3 Min-Straight | ‘Joe Is LOSING To Trump!’ 🤣


In a recent video by Benny Johnson, titled “PANIC: CNN SAVAGES Biden for 3 Min-Straight | ‘Joe Is LOSING To Trump!’”, he analyzes the growing concerns and criticisms surrounding President Joe Biden’s administration. The video highlights how even CNN, a network typically supportive of Biden, is now questioning his competency and performance as the president. This article will delve deeper into the issues raised in the video and examine the implications for both Biden and the Democratic Party.

Biden’s Fading Support

Our brand new poll shows majority support for Donald Trump among Republican voters at 52%. This significant level of support indicates that Trump remains a formidable force within the party and suggests that Biden is failing to appeal to a large portion of the electorate. This lack of support is further exacerbated by the fact that Biden is being supported by an entire network, including the corporate media, to stay in power. However, even with this backing, doubts about Biden’s competence are starting to emerge.

CNN’s Criticisms

Tucker Carlson, a prominent conservative commentator, recently exposed multiple CNN reporters as mouthpieces for intelligence agencies. This revelation sheds light on the biased coverage from the network and raises questions about their journalistic integrity. The video from Benny Johnson shows CNN headlines indicating America’s frustration and concern with Biden’s mental competency. These headlines, which were broadcast on CNN itself, highlight the growing dissatisfaction among the American public regarding Biden’s ability to govern effectively.

Potential for Alternate Candidates

Biden’s unpopularity may lead to Democrats looking for an alternative candidate. A CNN poll shows that nearly half of registered voters believe any Republican nominee would be a better choice than Biden. This sentiment hints at the possibility of a significant shift in public opinion and could prompt the Democratic Party to consider alternative options. While there is no nationwide date for declaring candidacies, potential challengers would need to act fast to capitalize on Biden’s declining popularity.

Challenges for Biden’s Democratic National Committee

Biden’s Democratic National Committee is facing challenges in Iowa and New Hampshire. These early primary states traditionally play a crucial role in shaping the presidential race. If Biden fails to retain strong support in these key states, it could significantly impact his chances of securing the nomination for a second term. Moreover, Robert F. Kennedy, an alternative option being considered, might emerge as a viable candidate should the situation worsen for Biden.

Extreme Left-Wing Base and Jittery Democrats

Interestingly, the video by Benny Johnson points out that the extreme left-wing base is content with Biden, despite the growing concerns. This dynamic reflects a split within the Democratic Party, where more radical elements remain supportive of Biden, while more moderate Democrats grow increasingly jittery about his leadership. This polarization within the party creates an uncertain path forward for both Biden and the Democratic Party as a whole.

In conclusion, Benny Johnson’s video exposes the mounting criticisms and doubts surrounding President Joe Biden’s competency and performance. CNN’s own coverage reveals growing concerns about Biden’s mental competency, while alternative candidates and challenges within the Democratic Party present potential hurdles for Biden’s reelection. The significant support for Donald Trump among Republican voters serves as a reminder of Biden’s unpopularity within the GOP. As the political landscape continues to evolve, it remains to be seen how Biden and the Democratic Party will navigate these challenges and address the growing calls for change.