The Democrats are turning against their Own president in alarming numbers And it's not hard to see why I'm rich Crenshaw keep up the latest news tap Subscribe below and enable notifications Joe Biden the man who promised to unite America and restore its economic Prosperity has failed on all fronts Under his watch inflation has soared the Country's foreign policy is in shambles In his cognitive decline has sparked Legitimate concerns about his Fitness For the job It's no wonder that a shocking new poll From Rasmussen found that almost Two-thirds of Democrats want to see Challengers run against Biden in the Next election in fact less than half of All voters believe that he should seek a Tech a second term Robert F Kennedy Jr who has announced he Will run for president in 2024 is Supported by 46 percent of Voters with 18 percent strongly supporting him watch President Biden is getting some Competition for the Democratic Nomination from one of the most powerful Names in American politics Robert F Kennedy Jr has filed his paperwork with The Federal Election Commission to run For president the Environmental Lawyer From California says his top priority Will be to end the corrupt merger Between State and corporate power
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Um you know I've always liked what he's Stood for I mean as a Democrat I Honestly there's been times where I even Forgot that he was a Democrat More than half that's uh 52 percent of Democrat voters said they would back RFK Juniors challenge but he garnered even More support from conservatives The results of this poll should come as No surprise given Biden's lackluster Performance in office thus far on the Economy he has uh presided Over an historic surge in inflation that Has hit working-class Americans the Hardest during his campaign Biden Promised to keep inflation in check by Reversing many of Donald Trump's Policies instead he has implemented a Disastrous stimulus package that has Sent prices skyrocketing Worse still Biden's foreign policy has Been an unmitigated disaster from the Botched withdrawal in Afghanistan to the Ongoing border crisis the Administration Has shown a staggering incompetence that Has left the country vulnerable to Attack Even more worrying is the fact that Biden's cognitive decline has become Increasingly apparent in recent months From getting lost on stage to forgetting People's names the president has shown a Disturbing lack of mental acuity That has raised serious questions about
His ability to lead and to put it simply Joe Biden is not fit to run for Reelection he's not even fit to be there Right now democrats should be looking For viable Alternatives but instead they Seem content to fall in line behind a Deeply flawed candidate who is dragging Their party into the abyss Time for the Democrats to finally wake Up and start demanding better If they continue to blindly support Biden they will only hasten the decline Of their party and the country as a Whole But it doesn't stop there As Trump made a statement on Biden During a recent interview with Tucker Carlson take a look Do you think Biden will stay in the race Look uh I I watch him just like you do And I think it's Almost inappropriate for me to say it I Don't see how it's possible but there's Something wrong I saw his answer today On television about whether or not he Was going to run to a very nice guy Named Al Roker When you can't get a softer question Than that that was a long answer Talking about the eggs and this and that Look I don't think he Can
Trump was referring to this embarrassing Response from Biden take a look In our upcoming election You know being the the you know the guy Who's pushed him out come on I plan on running now but we're not Prepared to announce it yet all right Yeah I mean You know you want to say the reality of The situation is that you know if he Runs he can't possibly win but we said That In 2020 and I still believe Well believe what we can't talk about Wink wink nudge nudge now domain So this poll Is a clear indication that Americans are Fed up with Biden's failed leadership From the economy to foreign policy and Beyond he's shown time and again that he Is simply not up to the task the Democrats need to take notice start Demanding better from their leaders or Else they will continue to lose the Support of the American people more so Than they already have You know the deal let us know what you Think for the next News Network I'm rich Crankshaw we'll see you at the next Report Thanks for watching that report and the Latest survey of Americans nearly half Of them also selected eating healthier Exercising more or losing weight as
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