Rayne Wilson the actor best known for His role in the office has caused a stir In Hollywood and liberal land for daring To have the mind of his own for a change The star is getting a taste of what it's Like to stray from the pack the question Is was this a red pill moment thanks for Watching Next News Network I'm Ivory Hecker filling in from my YouTube Youtube.com ivoryhacker stay informed With the latest news tab subscribe below And enable notifications before I get to That a recession and a war are underway Do you know who will be hit hardest when Cracks start to show you you need to Protect yourself and your family because Things will get worse Noble gold Investments is here to help savings and Investments that you've built are too Important to lose a precious metals Ira From Noble gold investment protects your Wealth and with every fifty thousand Dollar or more qualifying Ira they're Giving away a beautiful one-quarter Ounce gold Eagle bullion coin stop Worrying and visit Nextnewsgold.com that's nextnewsgold.com Noble gold Investments can't be beat get Their investment guide if you're not Ready to invest in the description box Below you'll find the link click more For mobile users now back to the news Let's recap what the mega viral moment From Tucker Carlson was watch
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Good evening it's Tucker Carlson one of The first things you realize when you Step outside the noise for a few days is How many genuinely nice people there are In this country kind and decent people People who really care about what's true And a bunch of hilarious people also a Lot of those it's got to be the majority Of the population even now So that's heartening the other thing you Notice when you take a little time off Is how unbelievably stupid most of the Debates you see on television are They're completely irrelevant they mean Nothing in five years we won't even Remember that we had them Trust me as someone who's participated And yet at the same time and this is the Amazing thing the undeniably big topics The ones that will Define our future get Virtually no discussion at all war civil Liberties emerging science demographic Change corporate power natural resources When was the last time you heard a Legitimate debate about any of those Issues it's been a long time Debates like that are not permitted in American Media both political parties And their donors have reached consensus On what benefits them and they actively Collude to shut down any conversation About it Suddenly the United States looks very Much like a one-party state
That's a depressing realization but it's Not permanent our current orthodoxies Won't last they're brain dead nobody Actually believes them hardly anyone's Life is improved by them this moment is Too inherently ridiculous to continue And so it won't The people in charge know this that's Why they're hysterical and aggressive They're afraid they've given up Persuasion they're resorting to force But it won't work when honest people say What's true calmly and without Embarrassment they become powerful at The same time the Liars who've been Trying to silence them shrink and they Become weaker that's the iron law of the Universe true things prevail Where can you still find Americans Saying true things there aren't many Places left but there are some and That's enough As long as you can hear the words there Is hope See you soon Well actor Rayne Wilson endorsed Tucker's video and the reaction has been Swift and intense fans of the office and Democrats in general are criticizing Wilson for agreeing with a conservative Fund at like Carlson on the other hand Conservatives are overwhelmingly Praising Wilson's comment for possible Hope in a shift in Hollywood's bias all
Wilson had to do to almost ruin his life Was say quote I never thought I'd say it But I agree with Tucker Carlson on Almost everything he's saying here Wilson who has been an outspoken liberal Activist has faced backlash in the past For his comments on politics and social Issues who has been a vocal critic of Republican policies tweeting things in Response to mass shootings by saying Quote o people of the great city of El Paso my heart breaks for you Rayne Wilson said in response to news of the First shooting quote I can't even Imagine America WTF is wrong with us Mass shootings a week a weekly event I'm Speechless Following that up with blaming white men As the problem in society claiming quote When are we all going to admit that the Biggest threat to Americans terrorists Or not is angry white men with guns That's what he said only proving exactly Why his recent admission that he agrees With Carlson's comments caught many by Surprise Rayne Wilson's endorsement of Tucker Carlson's video Has sparked a heated debate among fans And critics alike Wilson's admission That he agrees with Carlson's video has Caught many by surprise given his PA his Past as an outspoken liberal activist Carlson's video which has gone Mega
Viral with 78 million views only proves That people are hungry for Truth The Establishment media such as Fox and CNN Are on the verge of extinction because Of men like Tucker and the army of Political commentators Rising let's Continue this conversation in the Comments below let me know your thoughts For Next News Network I'm Ivory Hecker Thank you for watching that report There's a war and a recession cracks Will appear soon and guess who's going To be hit the hardest that's right you The situation will only get worse so you Must protect yourself and your family And you can get help from Noble gold Investments you can't afford to lose Your savings and investment because of Wars tariffs and sanctions gold and Silver from Noble gold Investments are Real Treasures during Times Like These The feeling of being outside the system When things go wrong is a great one Every qualifying Ira of 50 000 or more Will get a beautiful one-quarter ounce Beautiful Gold Eagle bullion coin Noble Gold Investments has thousands of five Star reviews so you can't go wrong and In the description box below you'll find The link tap more if you're using a Mobile device we'll see you at the next Report for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Possess the power to impact the global
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