NY Thrown Into Chaos Following Unexpected Resignation!

NY Thrown Into Chaos Following Unexpected Resignation!

A New York Governor's staffer has been Forced to resign after being accused of Hurting the governor's political Operation according to the New York Post Former campaign staff members claimed The consultant was drastically affecting The administration's work environment Unfortunately not enough to ruin the Governor's re-election campaign stay Informed about this developing story and Tap subscribe below and enable Notifications to get the latest breaking News A head advisor to Newark Governor Kathy Hokel has resigned amid allegations of Creating a toxic workplace environment And causing damage to the governor's Political operation the consultant based In Colorado was accused of advising the Governor on decisions that almost Derailed her bid for the governorship The allegations against him including Being overbearing condescending and Belittling others the head advisor Adam Sullivan had been advising hokel since She took office in August of 21. she he Was also involved in her 202 campaign For the governorship However according to former campaign Staff members Sullivan's Behavior was Often overbearing and condescending some Even allege that he would counter Suggestions just for the sake of it this Behavior resulted in a toxic workplace

Environment causing damage to the Governor's political operation this Comes a year after the governor Addressed the same concerns with her Administration watch Foreign Over W turnover and that is the description From many witnesses in the Attorney General's report I think it's very clear That The governor and I have not been close Um physically or otherwise in terms of Much time and so I've been traveling the State and do not spend much time in his Presence or in the presence of many in The state capitol but that is what has Been being reported and I'm going to Stand right here at the end of my term Whenever and it ends No one will ever describe my Administration as a toxic work Environment I was not aware of any of the Allegations whatsoever in the report There's a report stands on its own and I've been in this business long enough To know that is not the purview of the New York State Governor to dictate to The New York State Assembly or to the Judiciary Committee on what actions they Should take with respect to anything Particularly impeachment A recent report highlighted Sullivan's

Role in advising governor hulkel on Decisions that almost derailed her bid For the governorship the report claimed That he had recommended a campaign Strategy that was deemed inappropriate And could have had a negative impact on Her campaign his advice was reportedly Not well received by the governor's team Sullivan apologized for his behavior in An email to the governor's 202 campaign Staffers he stated that he decided to Step back from his role in advising the Governor and the state party for the Foreseeable future Sullivan's resignation raises questions About the governor's ability to Effectively manage her Administration Particularly during a time of Crisis Hulkel was sworn in as the first female Governor in of New York in January of 2021 succeeding Governor Andrew Cuomo Who resigned amid allegations of sexual Harassment hokel previously served as Cuomo's lieutenant governor since taking Office she has faced several challenges Including the pandemic and Infrastructure issues The resignation of Governor hulkel's Head advisor raises questions about her Ability to effectively manage her Administration the allegations of toxic Workplace environment and damaging Political operations underscore the Challenges facing the governor during

Crisis In spite of this the advisor did not Work hard enough to derail the Governor's re-election which the state Of New York could have used as a result Of the failure New Yorkers must suffer Even more let's continue the Conversation in the comments below for The next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thank you for watching that report you Know there's an epidemic of bad sleep in America an estimated 164 million Americans wake up tossing and turning at Night due to habits such as long work Hours caffeine and stress one study of Over 4 000 adults found that 27 percent Had trouble falling or staying asleep Most nights the problem of poor sleep May be one of the most ignored and Urgent issues of our time now this is a Product I've been using to improve my Sleep I've been using it for a few Months now and I absolutely love it a Great tasting alternative to taking a Handful of supplements on a daily basis This amazing pill contains seven Essential vitamins and minerals Recommended by industry experts after Starting it I've been able to wake up Feeling more energized and clear-headed Keeping my days super productive in General I've been happier and less Fatigued visit Getgoodnightsleep.com by clicking on the

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