New Speaker wants to ARREST Nancy Pelosi ⁉️

New Speaker wants to ARREST Nancy Pelosi ⁉️


In a recently released video by Benny Johnson, the new Speaker of the House has made a shocking announcement – he wants to arrest Nancy Pelosi. This development has caused quite a stir in the political sphere, with many wondering about the unprecedented and potentially shameful consequences that could follow such an event.

The Unprecedented and Shameful Act:

The statement made by the new Speaker of the House is not only surprising but also brings into question the decorum and integrity of the highest office in the legislative branch. It is unprecedented for a Speaker to publicly declare their intention to arrest a fellow member of Congress, let alone someone as prominent as Nancy Pelosi. The potential ramifications of such an action could tarnish the reputation of the House and undermine the democratic principles it upholds.

Felony by Tearing up the State of the Union Address:

Nancy Pelosi’s action of tearing up the original copy of the State of the Union Address during a live televised event was widely criticized. However, it is important to note that this act may have implications beyond mere symbolism. Some argue that tearing up the document constitutes a felony, as it violates a specific statute in the criminal code. This raises important legal questions about the extent of her actions and potential repercussions.

Long-Standing Tradition and Constitutional Requirement:

The State of the Union Address is a long-standing tradition and constitutional requirement in the United States. It serves as a way for the President to address both houses of Congress, providing an overview of the nation’s current state and future goals. The copies of the address delivered to the top legislative officers, including the Speaker of the House, are considered official documents of the House. Destroying or damaging these documents goes against the principles on which our government is founded.

Positive Development: A Republican Speaker in Power:

It is worth noting that the current Speaker of the House is a Republican, which marks a significant turning point in history. For decades, Democrats controlled Congress from the 1950s through the ’90s. However, now, with a Republican speaker in power, there seems to be a shift in the political landscape. This change is viewed by many as a positive development, providing a balance of power and allowing for diverse perspectives to be heard and considered.


The new Speaker’s call to arrest Nancy Pelosi has created a political firestorm. The assertion that she committed a felony by tearing up the State of the Union Address adds to the controversy surrounding the issue. This situation raises important questions about the role and responsibilities of congressional leaders, as well as the potential consequences of their actions. As the dust settles, it will be interesting to see how this situation unfolds and whether it sets a precedent for future interactions within the House.

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About the Author: realpeoplerealnews