Having a hard time figuring this one out On Wednesday yesterday Washington Times Reported that starting May 1st Oh wow that's right around the corner Americans purchasing a new home or Refinancing their existed more existing Mortgage can expect to pay higher Mortgage rates and monthly fees If they have a higher credit score Wait what That's a so fundamental reversal of all Economic theory you want to make the People who have the better credit scores Pay the higher rates yeah no they're Going to have you pay a higher rate and Higher monthly fees because you have a Higher credit score Americans with lower Credit scores and smaller down payments Are going to be given better rates so Basically Up Is Down and Down is up Or stealing from the rich to give to the Poor redistribution of wealth let me ask You this and look I haven't put too much Thought into this but let's throw out a A possible issue that could be Associated with this what would your Incentive be to maintain a high credit Score if what it was going to do was to Punish you with higher rates why would You pay your bills on time if the Incentives Reversed from where they are now are you Either White
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Or are you a gay hermaphrodite Black Trans lizard What's my incentive of remaining white If I can just change perhaps I should go To that second choice which was too long For me to remember the details of so uh I you know I it's weird because This is what I'm trying to figure out Isn't there something like this that Happened Two thousand four five six and seven Where they were okay they were Incentivizing they were incentivizing Banks to give loans to people who Couldn't really afford the houses yeah Although at least in that case they Weren't punishing the people who were Paying their bills yeah right like they Were just handing out mortgages to People who did not qualify for them and That caused the economic crisis if you Don't understand the concept that Socialism and all of this stuff is just Not it's not going to make anybody happy We're all going to be equally miserable Okay you won't own anything This is how it begins you're taking away Through now A different kind of tax how Do they even pass this How does Biden even get this done It's crazy and when you say pass this Yeah what does that mean yeah nothing Pass it would signify there was a vote By elected representatives
Occur that's not what happened of course Because that's not how we do things These days right so I'm sorry that I Misled you on thinking that it was some Constitutional way of of getting Understandable misstatement there yeah Okay so we have that story then I have An IRS supervisor has told lawmakers That he has information that suggests The but this is from The Wall Street Journal suggests the Biden Administration is improperly handling The criminal investigation into President Biden's son Hunter Biden and Is seeking whistleblower protections The letter sent to Congress on Tuesday Says a career Internal Revenue Service Criminal supervisory special agent has Information that would contradict sworn Testimony by senior political appointees The supervisor also has information About a failure to mitigate clear Conflicts of interest in the ultimate Disposition of the case the supervisor Has details that show preferential Treatment Um Wait did I read that wrong the IRS This whistleblower says is showing Preferential treatment to Biden's son Now preferential treatment and politics Improperly infecting decisions and Protocols that would normally be Followed by career law enforcement
Professionals in similar circumstances If the subject were not politically Connected the letter says a supervisor Has been overseeing an ongoing and Sensitive investigation of a high Profile controversial subject since Early 2020. He doesn't name that person But the investigation as at issue is Hunter Biden So we're now going to see another Whistleblower and thank God if this Guy's telling the truth Thank God that there are some people That are blowing the whistle on this I Mean you just can't have Uh You know Two two uh justice systems can't do it By the way do you hear the ATF director Yesterday do we have this cut by any Chance the ATF director uh was uh No we don't ATF director was asked if he Could Define uh An assault weapon Okay Just you can't even get a woman at right At this point they're going to be able To do an assault weapon right uh can you Can you just uh tell us what uh Uh what a assault weapon uh is can you Do that you know keep it short 15 Seconds Uh he said uh um uh
Well I'll tell you um I can go shorter Than 15 seconds because uh you know if Congress wishes to take me up on that I Think Congress will have to do the work Uh but there would uh you know we would Be there to provide technical assistance Can you tell me what the hell you're Even talking about he's over 15 seconds Already he says well I unlike you am not A Firearms expert to the same extent as You may be Wow hold it just a second so the head of The ATF You can't Define it not enough of an Expert maybe he's more of an A T guy you Know maybe he doesn't get to the F all That often you know maybe he's been Focusing maybe he's been drinking a lady Right yeah and he they're like that's How you get the alcoholic to get the get The gig here he is uh as a gun owner of Many different types in a 20-year Military veteran I have some expertise In Weaponry uh and self-defense weapons What could you in 15 seconds would you Define an assault weapon for me so If you go after 15 seconds I'll just Interrupt you so so I'll go shorter than That because I I honestly I do think That's a if Congress wishes to take that Off I think Congress would have to do The work but we would be there to Provide technical assistance I unlike You I'm not a Firearms expert to the
Same extent as you may be but we have People at ATF who can talk about uh Velocity of firearms what damage Different kinds of firearms cause so That whatever determination you chose to Make would be an informed one oh okay so There is no real definition it's it's it Goes beyond Black Gun bad Okay all right but we can make it up Kind of like can you define a woman well No I mean I'm not an expert on that I'm Not an expert on that you know I'm I'm Not a doctor so I couldn't describe you Know what a woman is in any way shape or Form it really kind of depends on you Know how we Define that Oh Okay no it doesn't No it doesn't no assault weapon they They were not no they're modern sporting Rifles and when I say modern when's the Last time you heard anyone use the word Modern Right nobody's like oh it's very modern You know why it's called the modern Sporting rifle because it was out in the 1950s It's amazing yeah I can't remember which Paper was it was the Washington Post or The New York Times one of the one of the Big mainstream Publications did this Like thing about like we're gonna show You ads for the AR-15 we're gonna shoot Let's go back and look at how they've
Advertised this product and like the Idea was to show you of course that like They are advertising it as a killing Machine you know it was one of these Type of things and they had what the Hell is a gun if not a killing machine You know I'm kind of buying that if I if I go in and I buy a gun for my own Protection or I'm going deer hunting and It doesn't kill the object I need to Stop I think then I could actually sue the Firearm maker right it does that not Mean you're going out to try to kill People the point of it is of course if You need to because someone's attacking You it will work in that fashion right Correct so they go through this a long Series of ads going back to you know the Very uh early days of in 1950s you said 1960s it was 1950s Um they have uh all the way back to 1957 Was the first prototype but they go back To the first ad they show And what have you heard about the AR-15 All this time it's a weapon of War right It's weapon of War weapon of War we keep Saying no that's not how it was Developed at all the first ad they cite A superb hunting partner Colt's new AR-15 Sporter It is exactly what we've been saying This entire time they're trying to prove That over time the AR-15 ads went from a
Hunting situation into oh the brutal Murder people but like again like they Don't even prove that of course Obviously there's 100 ways to go on the Story but like they've been telling us Forever this was developed as a weapon Of war in their own publication they're Showing the ads saying it is designed For hunting they've been saying you Don't need an AR-15 to hunt they just Showed us the initial ad in 1960 Freaking four about a modern sporting Rifle A superb hunting partner if you're a Hunter a camper or a collector They go on and on if you're ready for a New hunting Adventure This is them this isn't us saying this Wait a minute wait a minute what are you Hunting maybe you're hunting With an AR-15 now back to Leave it to Beaver All right