Narratives and Audiences: The Reality Check

Narratives and Audiences: The Reality Check


In today’s media landscape, narratives and audiences play a crucial role in shaping public opinion. It is imperative for television hosts and journalists to cater to their audiences while ensuring responsible journalism. Recently, MSNBC claimed that its audience is free from conspiracy theorists, stirring up a debate on the role of media in influencing public perception. In this article, we will delve deeper into this issue and analyze the complexities surrounding narratives and audiences.

MSNBC’s Claim of a Conspiracy-Free Audience:

MSNBC’s assertion that its audience is free from conspiracy theorists raises eyebrows, especially considering the network’s history of promoting the controversial Russia collusion narrative. Despite this, Al Velshi recently reiterated this claim, suggesting that his viewers are not susceptible to conspiracy theories. However, it is important to acknowledge that disparities exist within any audience, making it unlikely that any demographic is entirely devoid of conspiracy theories.

The Conversation: Nina Jankowicz, Senator Ray Epps, and Capitol Riots:

A recent conversation on MSNBC regarding Nina Jankowicz, Senator Ray Epps, and the Capitol riots further emphasizes the need for television hosts to acknowledge the potential for conspiracy theories among viewers. The events surrounding the Capitol riots were rife with conspiracy theories, and it would be remiss to assume that all viewers are immune to their influence. Responsible journalism should involve objectively portraying the world, acknowledging the existence of various narratives and viewpoints.

Categorically Claiming an Absence of Conspiracy Theories:

Categorically claiming an absence of conspiracy theories disregards the political complexities at play. Conspiracy theories, while not limited to any specific demographic, are often fueled by political ideologies and personal beliefs. It is important to recognize that individuals from all walks of life can fall victim to conspiracy theories, regardless of their educational background or socio-political leanings. Therefore, making sweeping claims about an audience being free from conspiracy theorists undermines the diverse range of perspectives present in society.

Responsible Journalism: Objectivity versus Influence:

Responsible journalism entails objectively presenting information without undue influence or bias. Television hosts have a responsibility to inform and educate without inflating conspiracy theories or dismissing them entirely. Balancing the need to cater to audiences while upholding journalistic ethics remains a challenging task. It is important for media professionals to strike a balance between engaging their target audience and steering clear of misinformation or overly sensationalized narratives.

MSNBC’s Russia Collusion Obsession:

MSNBC’s claim of an audience free from conspiracy theorists seems contradictory in light of their obsession with the Russia collusion narrative. The network’s extensive coverage and promotion of this controversial topic inherently catered to an audience interested in conspiracy theories. This raises questions about MSNBC’s self-proclaimed immunity to conspiracy theories.


In conclusion, narratives and audiences are interconnected and play a vital role in shaping public opinion. MSNBC’s claim of an audience free from conspiracy theorists is questionable, given the network’s history of promoting controversial narratives. Television hosts and journalists should acknowledge the potential for conspiracy theories among viewers while adhering to responsible journalism practices. By presenting information objectively and recognizing the complexities surrounding narratives, media professionals can bridge the gap between informing audiences and avoiding the spread of misinformation.

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Remember, responsible journalism and acknowledging different perspectives are vital in today’s media landscape. It’s like a kale-free vegan – conflicting ideologies that don’t mix well.

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