Nancy Pelosi Threatens “Price To Pay” For Pro-Life Policies


In the United States of America, the pro-life movement has been gaining momentum over the years as more people become aware of the moral and ethical implications of abortion. However, the left-wing pro-abortion extremists are becoming more desperate to push their agenda forward and have recently resorted to violent tactics. This article will discuss the threats made by Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, and Hillary Clinton against the pro-life movement and how pro-life advocates are being deprived of their first amendment rights and equal protection under the law.

The Threats:

Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, is one of the most prominent figures in the Democratic Party. She has openly expressed disgust towards pro-life advocates, stating that “we have a price to pay” for our policies. Pelosi believes that abortion is a fundamental human right and that anyone who opposes it is an obstacle to progress.

Elizabeth Warren, a former presidential candidate and current senator, has also been vocal about her pro-abortion stance. Warren has tweeted that she is “proud” to support Planned Parenthood, an organization that provides abortion services, and has called for a repeal of the Hyde Amendment, a law that prevents federal funding of abortion.

Hillary Clinton, another former presidential candidate and Democratic Party icon, has also expressed her support for abortion. In her book “What Happened”, Clinton wrote that she was “furious” about the pro-life movement’s efforts to restrict abortion. She has also said that the pro-life movement is “going to be set back” because of their policies.

The Effects:

The left-wing pro-abortion extremists are not just making threats; they are taking violent actions against pro-life advocates. Over the last few years, there have been several instances of physical attacks, vandalism, and harassment against pro-life individuals and organizations. The Department of Justice (DOJ) has not taken any significant steps to protect pro-life advocates from these attacks.

Pro-life advocates are also being deprived of their first amendment rights as left-wing activists attempt to silence their voices. College campuses and public areas where pro-life protests are held are being increasingly censored, and pro-life advocates are being prevented from speaking out. The DOJ has not taken any significant steps to protect pro-life advocates’ freedom of speech and association.

The Solution:

It is time for pro-life advocates to stand up for their rights and demand action from the DOJ. The government must protect the rights of pro-life advocates to assemble, protest, and speak out against abortion. Politicians who protect violent and extremist groups that engage in antifa direct action violence should be held accountable for their actions.

Pro-life Christians are being targeted because they believe that all people are equally valuable without partiality from the womb to the tomb. They must be protected as they seek to defend the lives of the most vulnerable in society. It is essential to join groups like Free Talk, OAN’s new social platform that allows free speech without shadowbanning, to ensure that pro-life advocates are not silenced.


The pro-life movement in America is under attack by left-wing pro-abortion extremists. Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, and Hillary Clinton have made it clear that anyone who opposes abortion will face “a price to pay.” Pro-life advocates must stand up for their rights and demand that the DOJ protects their constitutional rights. It is crucial to join groups like OANN’s Full Show and Free Talk to ensure pro-life advocates can speak freely and have their voices heard. The fight for life is a fight worth fighting, and it is time to take action.

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About the Author: realpeoplerealnews