Elon Musk has sparked another debate and This time it has nothing to do with Space travel as AI becomes more Integrated into society it's potential Dangers have become an area of growth Growing concern among lawmakers and the Public musk's stance on ethical AI Practices and regulation are sure to Generate heated debate making this an Issue that requires careful Consideration and responsible action and Determinator I'm rich crankshaw stay on top of the Latest news Tap subscribe below Enable instant notifications For everything you need to know you got It right here Elon Musk the CEO of SpaceX Tesla and Twitter met the Senate's Majority Leader Chuck Schumer a Democrat from New York On Wednesday To discuss AI regulation a topic on Which the billionaire has been extremely Vocal Musk has been critical of mainstream Ai And warns of its harmful potential the Meeting with Senate leader highlights The growing importance of the need for AI regulation and ethical practices as AI continues to become more deeply Integrated into society Mosque who was once an early investor in Open AI but later distanced himself from
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The project has been warning about the Potential harmful effects of mainstream AI during his meeting with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Various members of Congress he Emphasized the need for AI regulation And ethical practices to ensure that AI Transforms the world in a safe and Responsible manner Following the meeting musk tweeted that He had met with the Senate leader asked For more regulation and reaffirmed that AI has the power to be either good or Evil Musk has promised to create an Alternative AI chat bot called Truth GPT That is committed to the truth and will Be less likely to threaten humans He has criticized open AI the Organization that created chat GPT for Its closeness to Microsoft and chat GTP For its political correctness micro or Rather musk argues that an AI committed To the truth has the potential to Understand the nature of the universe Adding that an AI that cares about Understanding the universe would be less Likely to annihilate humans because Humans are an interesting part of the Universe I've always thought that take a Look Foreign Option although I was starting very late In the game of course
Can it be done I don't know I think it's We'll see it's uh It's definitely starting late Um But I will I will I'll try to create a Third option Um and that third option Hopefully does more more good than harm Like the intention with opening eye was Obviously to do good but it's not clear Whether it's actually doing good or Whether it's I can't tell at this point Um except that I'm worried about the Fact that uh it's been it's being Trained to be politically correct which Is simply another way of of being on Truth saying untruthful things yes so That's not a bad sign There's certainly a path to AI dystopia Is to train an AI to be deceptive so Yeah I'm going to start something which I know you're called Truth gbt or A maximum truth seeking AI That tries to understand the nature of The universe and I think this this might Be the best path to Safety in the sense That uh an AI that cares about Understanding the universe uh it is Unlikely to annihilate humans because we Are an interesting part of the universe The good thing is is no one has yet come Back from the future and asked if he was Sarah Connor that's the good thing
Musk's warnings about ai's potential Dangers have also been reflected in Recent Hollywood Blockbusters including Movies such as ax Machinima the Terminator and iRobot these movies Explore the darker side of AI and the Consequences of humans building machines That may turn against us Musk has been pushing for ethical AI Practices and regulations to ensure that AI does not pose a threat to human life It's a it's a good idea I think Musk's meeting with Senate leadership Highlights the need for policy makers to Consider ai's potential dangers and work Towards mitigating risks through ethical Practices and regulation the debate over AI ethics and regulation is ongoing and Musk's idea of ethical AI development Through the truth GPT initiative is sure To generate heated debate among Lawmakers and the public Musk's advocacy for Alternative AI chat box like truth GPT His criticism of mainstream Ai and his Emphasis on the need for AI ethics and Regulation are sure to continue Generating debate among lawmakers and The public as AI becomes more integrated Into society it is crucial to consider Its potential dangers and work towards Mitigating risks through ethical Practices and regulation The discussion on AI is ongoing and it
Remains to be seen how musk's ideas for Ethical AI development and Truth GPT Will shape the future of AI let us know What you think for the next News Network I'm rich crankshaw we'll see you next Time Thank you for watching that report you Know there's an epidemic of bad sleep in America an estimated 164 million Americans wake up tossing and turning at Night due to habits such as long work Hours caffeine and stress one study of Over 4 000 adults found that 27 percent Had trouble falling or staying asleep Most nights the problem of poor sleep May be one of the most ignored and Urgent issues of our time now this is a Product I've been using to improve my Sleep I've been using it for a few Months now and I absolutely love it a Great tasting alternative to taking a Handful of supplements on a daily basis This amazing pill contains seven Essential vitamins and minerals Recommended by industry experts after Starting it I've been able to wake up Feeling more energized and clear-headed Keeping my days super productive in General I've been happier and less Fatigued visit Getgoodnightsleep.com by clicking on the More button below this video with the Promo code nnn you can save up to 51 Percent today go to www dot get good
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