MTG: Damning BOMBSHELL Evidence Coming Implicating Biden in Business Deals | IMPEACHMENT Imminent


Hey there! Today, I wanted to talk about a topic that has been making headlines – the impeachment inquiry and the damning evidence that is soon to be revealed, implicating Joe Biden in questionable business deals. As a firm believer in uncovering the truth and holding individuals accountable, I introduced articles of impeachment against Joe Biden on his first day in office. In this article, I will discuss the importance of this inquiry, shed light on the evidence at hand, and explain why I am advocating for impeachment. So, let’s dive right in!

Uncovering the Details

First and foremost, it’s important to mention that there is more damning information that will soon be revealed, linking money ties directly to Joe Biden. While I have seen new evidence, I prefer to present it when I have it in hand, rather than spreading rumors. However, what I can share with you is that we have already uncovered thousands of pages of Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) reports in the treasury, as well as proof of wire transfers and payments to the Biden family. These pieces of evidence paint a concerning picture of potential corruption and abuse of power.

The Involvement of Government Agencies

To make matters worse, the IRS and Secret Service have been involved in covering up Joe Biden’s crimes. This level of corruption is deeply troubling, and it further emphasizes the need for an impeachment inquiry. We cannot allow those in power to escape accountability for their actions. By shining a light on these serious allegations, we can ensure that justice prevails.

Support for the Impeachment Inquiry

I am not alone in advocating for an impeachment inquiry. Many Republicans, including prominent figures like Kevin McCarthy and Jim Jordan, also support the need for an inquiry to address and expose these crimes. This bipartisan call for action underscores the severity of the situation at hand. We must come together and put a stop to the corruption and cover-up surrounding Joe Biden’s alleged crimes.

Demanding Accountability

In light of the mounting evidence against Joe Biden, I refuse to fund the government until there is an impeachment inquiry. It is my duty as a public servant to stand up against corruption and ensure that the interests of the American people are protected. I cannot, in good conscience, support COVID mandates or further conflicts in Ukraine when there is a cloud of suspicion hanging over our nation’s leader.


In conclusion, the looming impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden is a necessary step towards uncovering the truth and holding individuals accountable for their actions. With the evidence we have uncovered so far, there is a compelling case to be made. As more information comes to light, we will have a clearer understanding of the extent of Joe Biden’s involvement in questionable business deals. I remain committed to fighting for justice and refuse to tolerate any form of corruption or cover-up. Together, let’s ensure that the truth prevails and that our leaders are held to the highest standards of integrity.

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About the Author: realpeoplerealnews