Disneyland announced late last week that They are going to host a first ever Pride night as part of the Park's after Dark series for two nights in June yeah Yes we've all been clamoring for it now It's here they said uh this separately Ticketed event this is on Twitter the Separately ticketed event celebrating The Lgbtqia plus community and allies will Have themed entertainment Disney Characters specialty menu items and more Um I am actually very offended because I Did you guys notice they didn't include The two they didn't include the two or The other queue or the plus the plus Plus okay the S wasn't in there the two Lgbtqia2 plus that's what I always Saying right yes so that's two cues and A two and what you're saying that s is Missing an S is the two yeah the two and The S is noticeably absent on that tweet I thought the two stood for Jews two Spirit two was two spirit that's what I Thought yes it is but a lot of people Put the s in there just to make sure Just to make sure yeah you don't want Anyone to think that you're transphobic That's true right non-binary phobic and This this event clearly is now Transphobic because I mean it seems like They're only inviting the the I mean Pride night is pride well either the Prince or the questioning are being
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Eliminated one of the two I don't know We don't know which one so how do you Know if you can buy tickets yeah you Don't you don't oh no I don't know I can Tell you what the s for straight is not A it is not allowed those people are I Was wondering about that can they come Okay that'll be interesting if you're Heteros we should go we should that's All how this have a family uh a family Gathering we'll go to from privacy it Was like doing nights based on sexuality At Disneyland are we gonna have a night For those who like to have sex with Their pillows will that be a thing if You'd like us yeah the the pillow sex People yeah SP plus SP plus Community it's your Night tonight bring your pillow and uh Enjoy the rides yeah is it not a little Creepy that it's it's it's sexual like It's based off of your sexual Orientation and they're like you can Take pictures with our cartoonish Disney Characters like just yes makes it a Whole lot creepier seems like too you Should definitely include furries in This if you're gonna have it where's the F where's the F's they're not even Included again I think it's disgraceful You put the plus there because they try To cover everybody else right why why You got to be specific more letters I Want more letters in these acronyms and
Like I will say this too I I have a pretty low opinion of Disney at This point but like I kind of thought They were already doing this is this a New thing I mean it really it did it During the day today That's a weird remix like okay did you Kick them out at sundown before I mean are they like reverse vampires up Until now I kind of thought this was a big thing That had been going on I really honestly Feel never the baptized boycott of it Because it's been going on well it's the First after dark which means they're Going to stay open until 1am oh okay Which again is just really bizarre when You Like put yourself out there as the this Family friendly you know organization And then you're like hey let's throw a Rager until 1am for all of the the gay People it's just really weird yeah you Know just doesn't seem like look uh gay People were always welcome at Disney They could have come whenever they want Everybody else people and they just come You just buy a ticket and you go in like You know people don't check your Genitals or who where you want to put Your genitals when you walk into Disneyland why what at night yeah Whatever they wanted uh like that was Always the pop it's the policy of
Basically all businesses right it's Always Lgbtqia2 plus night right you go in when You buy a ticket and you go in that's What it's supposed to be why we why Again and this is a a children's park Right it's designed for children Targeting take nights based on sexuality Is just it's like completely Inappropriate right like and against Every everything Walt Disney stood for Yes of course it almost doesn't even Need to be said but of course it does Need to be said it does need to be said Actually quite frequently these days Um all right I want to go to Um all of these the investigating into The Biden family and all of the kind of Shady Financial uh business dealings and Reports that have been surfacing now That the house is actually investigating It uh I want to read a tweet for you by Marjorie Taylor green who said I just Walked out of the treasury after Reviewing Financial reports on the Bidens and their web of LLCs and wire Transfers from many foreign countries That created a vast criminal Enterprise Bigger than anyone can comprehend Whistleblowers can receive protection if They come forward now she tells them to Contact the GOP oversight committee and I want to play for you a video that she Made earlier today after reviewing all
Of these reports watch I just saw Evidence of human as I came This involved prostitutes not only from Here in the United States but foreign Countries like Russia and Ukraine this Is this is unbelievable that a president And a former vice president not only his Son Hunter Biden but many more family Members extending past Hunter Biden and His immediate family we're going to have To really get to work this is an Investigation that needs to be revealed To the American people and not only do We have questions about Hunter Biden Himself but this is going to extend into Developing a web of corruption a web of Fake companies that's going to reveal Money that came in from many foreign Countries and went directly into the Personal bank accounts of the Biden Family So she kind of expanded on this on Twitter she said what about the LLC Called Owasco that Hunter owned and paid Countless prostitutes even from Russia And Ukraine and the report States it was A human sex trafficking ring the report Estimates there were 28 customers paying The sex slaves it was all and still is All much bigger and worse than people Thought but the most dangerous part is That the bidens have created an International crime Enterprise around Joe Biden's powerful VP and presidential
Seats which means our entire country is Compromised because of Joe Biden and the Biden family crime syndicate now Say what you will about Marjorie Taylor Green I realize she's a very Controversial figure in the GOP right Now but I don't I'm not I I I don't think she's Just blatantly making this up and lying I mean these are reports that are Actually that actually exist that the House is going through and it's just Fascinating to me that Donald Trump was Literally impeached by the house over a Phone call To Ukraine saying we should root out the Corruption and here it all is and when Is when are they going to call for Joe Biden to be impeached Yeah yeah good question probably never I Mean it'll be interesting Republicans Have control here they could Theoretically do that they could they But they won't same thing of course Would happen it would get shot down I'm Sure in the Senate unfortunately Um but still but still make it hurt just Like they did just like they did to us Yeah and the investigation and this is The one thing really Republicans got out Of this last election was the ability to Do this to be able to hold these Investigations and get this information And it's good to see that they're doing
It and you mentioned Marjorie Taylor Green which I know is not you know she's Not everybody's cup of tea Um however I love her personally no yeah I mean yeah like it doesn't matter of Course it's the information right Exactly and like Peter Schweizer did a Book on this before Joe Biden was even Elected as president in which he called Him the most corrupt vice president in American history yeah uh this is stuff That a lot of it has been known and is Well documented and has been out there For a while now of course they wanted to Avoid it and they wanted to not talk About it uh so we you know stuff like The hunter by laptop was just tossed Away but even just looking at that There's plenty of information that that You know brings in not only Hunter but Also Joe Biden and his brother as well I Mean his brother is heavily involved in A lot of this real estate stuff and and On the financial side that's you know in My view very very corrupt so there's Going to be a lot to come on this I mean What's it gonna take before People in Authority take this seriously Right and do something about it here's Another thing that is being talked about On the edges Um and but will anything ever come of it I I don't know it's hard to believe that Anybody's gonna say okay we need to get
Really serious here let's put the FBI on This let's uh let's find out what this Guy has done I mean if he's compromised Like she said that's big trouble for an American president and he should be Impeached yeah but I just I don't I Don't have it I don't see that happening No I don't have any faith in it you know What I I have a theory I think that the Longer and more complex your crime is When you are in government the less Likely they are to touch it because it Really does seem to be that it's like Well no you know they stop paying Attention they don't they don't think Americans can connect all the dots right Like there's just too many too many Crimes being committed all at once and So they're just like ah it's just too Complicated we'll just leave it alone I Think that's true and I think you know Look Republicans will make a political Judgment on this you know they'll make a Judgment of do we think this is going to Help us politically that is how they're Going to make this decision they will Probably have enough to impeach him Question is do they think it helps us or Do they think it helps them when it Comes to actually going through with the Process because they're not going to get Them out of office it's just a matter of Whether they think it's a political Advantage and unfortunately that's how
These decisions get made yeah do you Think Pat last question here and then We'll go to break do you think or do you Share my sentiment that like do every Single thing they did to us and make it Hurt I think they should yeah even even Knowing the Senate's not going to follow Through that makes me a bad vindictive Person so be it but yeah I think I think They should retaliate I lost the law Right I mean like there's also reasons For it you know it's not like they're Making things up out of today I would Not be for that even if it was what they Did to us I wouldn't want to make up Stuff no no no don't make that stuff no But the law is the law the rules are Rules and they should pay for their Crimes and it does seem like many crimes Were committed here if you like that Clip there is plenty more where that Came from click the link in the Description below to subscribe to the News and why it matters YouTube channel To watch the full episode