‘Motion To Vacate’ – Matt Gaetz Lays Smackdown On McCarthy, Moves To Strip Him Of Speakership


In a compelling and hard-hitting video by Explain America, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy faces scrutiny as Representative Matt Gaetz takes a stand against him in a motion to strip him of the speakership. This article will delve into the details of this powerful confrontation, shedding light on the issues surrounding McCarthy’s tenure and the demands for accountability.

McCarthy’s Impeachment Inquiry

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has recently initiated an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. However, as the events unfold, it becomes evident that McCarthy’s actions may not be entirely genuine. He promised a vote for all House members to cast their votes on the impeachment inquiry, implying transparency and fairness. Unfortunately, it appears to be a mere cover, as he lacks the necessary support to follow through on his promise.

Pressure Mounts on McCarthy

Amid the push for the impeachment inquiry, certain influential voices, like Matt Gaetz, have expressed their dissatisfaction with McCarthy’s approach. Gaetz claims that McCarthy falls short of meeting the agreed-upon terms regarding compliance. McCarthy’s failure to address key issues such as term limits and balanced budgets has come under severe scrutiny, casting doubt on his leadership abilities.

Unfulfilled Promises

One significant point of contention revolves around McCarthy’s failure to fulfill his pledge of releasing the January 6 tapes in their entirety. This lack of transparency raises concerns about the true motivations behind the impeachment inquiry. When individuals in positions of power make promises, it is vital that they follow through to maintain trust and accountability.

Insufficient Accountability

Another important aspect brought to light in Gaetz’s critique is the perceived lack of accountability for what he terms the “Biden crime family.” Gaetz argues that McCarthy has not taken appropriate measures to address allegations and ensure thorough investigations. This absence of justice and accountability is a cause for concern, as it undermines the fundamental principles that should guide our political system.

Budgetary Gimmicks and Rescissions

One of the key issues highlighted by Gaetz pertains to McCarthy’s handling of the debt limit and spending cuts. Gaetz accuses McCarthy of relying on budgetary gimmicks and rescissions instead of making substantial cuts to address the rising debt. This approach raises questions about McCarthy’s commitment to responsible fiscal management and preserving the nation’s financial stability.

Subpoena Discrepancies

Gaetz points out a discrepancy in how McCarthy has handled the impeachment inquiry compared to previous instances involving the Biden and Trump families. Unlike when Don Jr. was subpoenaed three times during Democrat control, McCarthy has failed to issue the first subpoena to Hunter Biden. This inconsistency raises doubts about the fairness and impartiality of McCarthy’s leadership.

Opposing the Continuing Resolution

Representative Gaetz firmly believes that a continuing resolution to fund the impeachment inquiry should be off the table. This stance reflects his dissatisfaction with McCarthy’s overall approach and calls for more substantial action and accountability from the House Speaker.


The Explain America video featuring Matt Gaetz’s motion to strip Kevin McCarthy of the speakership paints a vivid picture of discontent and frustration within the Republican party. McCarthy’s impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden appears to be shrouded in questionable motives and lacking the promised transparency. Gaetz’s critique exposes a series of unfulfilled promises, insufficient accountability, and concerns regarding fiscal responsibility. As the future unfolds, it remains to be seen how McCarthy will address these mounting accusations and if Gaetz’s motion will gain traction.

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