More Validation On The Collusion Hoax

In the last two years there has been an ongoing debate regarding the alleged Russian collusion and its influence on the 2016 Presidential election. While the world has been gripped by the idea of election interference the latest revelations give us a more significant insight to uncover what truly happened.

Few People Involved in Inquiry Need To Be Investigated:
It is now clear that the FBI and DOJ abused their authority by initiating an investigation into President Trump’s campaign. These agencies were motivated by anti-Trump bias that permeated deep into their actions and decisions. Several high-ranking FBI officials including Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were involved in the inquiry and used their positions to manipulate the outcome in favor of Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Republicans Should Subpoena Bank Records and Bring in for Depositions:
Republicans in Congress now have evidence in hand of the FBI and DOJ’s abuse of power to investigate Trump during the 2016 election. It is of utmost importance for Republicans to subpoena bank records and bring those FBI officials involved in the inquiry in for depositions.

Congress Should Put These People On Trial:
The latest information once again reinforces the belief that those involved in the inquiry should be put on trial for their crimes and their anti-Trump bias should be exposed. High-ranking officials of the DOJ and the FBI must be held accountable for their actions.

Jim Jordans Committee Can Take Action:
Congress has the power to bring justice to the people and ensure the sanctity of the election process. Jim Jordans committee can take the necessary action and prosecute those involved in the Russian collusion hoax.

More Validation On The Collusion Hoax:
The recent revelations corroborate the idea that the alleged Russian collusion was a hoax concocted by those thwarting Trumps presidency. It is now undeniable that the anti-Trump faction of the DOJ and FBI waged a campaign of disinformation through leaked information to the media to influence the 2016 presidential election.

Full Show Available on OANN Website & App:
One America News Network is dedicated to bringing you news that is aligned with the truth. You can watch their full coverage on the collusion hoax and other news stories on their website or through their mobile app.

Free Talk is OANs New Social Platform for Free Speech:
One America News Network has launched Free Talk a platform that gives people the freedom to speak their minds without fear of censorship.

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If you want to stay updated on all news stories related to the Russian collusion hoax be sure to follow One America News Network on Facebook Twitter and Instagram.

OAN Live Available on KlowdTV for Subscription Fee:
You can watch One America News Network live on KlowdTV for a subscription fee and get access to their full coverage of the Russian collusion hoax and all other news stories.

The latest revelations have proven that those involved in the Russian collusion investigation had an anti-Trump bias and were not impartial in their inquiry. Republicans in Congress must take action to ensure that the sanctity of the election process is upheld. One America News Network continues to bring news that is aligned with the truth with their full coverage on the Russian collusion hoax and free speech platform.

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About the Author: realpeoplerealnews