Model Takes STAND Against WOKE Culture

Hey guys welcome back to the show Um you know I I am fortunate enough that I get to meet people from all walks of Life all different sorts of influences And people from different backgrounds And perspectives Um we have the world has kind of been Thrown at us in a weird way these days Now I know that that's always been true As long as there's been people there's Been weird stuff in in society But it kind of feels these days like We're under attack we've seen that Recently in a lot of the ad campaigns That have come out with major Corporations people that are very Powerful out there dictating to us how We should spend our money But yet we know that these companies That are very well known household names A lot of times hold different values That's why for instance I've Consistently talked about having a Parallel economy and how we've got to Support those folks that have businesses That share our values that we know that Our money is going to the right places And we're not having things quite Literally crammed down our throats Um you know things are it's amazing that We live in a world where you know uh you Know our consumerism is being Politicized in such a way that we have No recourse of action to speak out and

To speak back against those things that We don't believe in my guest is Bree Teresi and Bree is uh she's a golfer She's a model she's an influencer she's An all-around great person and she joins The program Bree how are you Hi Chad thank you so much for having me On your show today I'm doing really well I'm in Los Angeles right now Trying to survive yeah trying to survive That's exactly right don't let don't Catch anything while you're out there With the culture craziness that's out There I know how that can go don't worry Yesterday I was walking around with a Shirt that said more God bless Government I think I'm doing a pretty Good job I love that and uh you know We've got uh We've Got a Brand there's a Real Women's Club I Gotta send you some shirts gotta gotta Get something out there to you and and That's what we do we try to trigger People that of just basically into Thinking and reminding it that men Matter women matter seems like Corporate America doesn't believe that anymore You've somewhat been Um Ex as a woman as a female as a Biological woman that's offensive to say That someone's a biological female You've been exploited like so many women In society have by these big companies

That are out there Tell me about your experience with this Okay so in the news recently Um Probably the reason why I'm on the show Right now was a lingerie brand that I Had worked with for the past few years On social media and modeled for they Decided to use a biological mail in some Of their photos that they posted on Instagram and when I saw this I was Immediately triggered obviously I went To the comment section and I wrote how I Felt and I told them that they were Jumping on the bandwagon and they had Become woke this company claimed to be Created by women for women yet they are Literally using a male to model their Lingeries and it's ridiculous so Um I posted this I made a public Statement and I noticed that the American people from both walks of life Whether you're a liberal or you're Conservative they agreed with me Um and they they think that this is Ridiculous and we're seeing this with Obviously tons of huge companies like You named have gone woke and these Companies need to realize that There are their their actions will have Consequences and people are fed up so I Love how you were talking about a Parallel economy and you know I love That even with blaze you know Blaze has

Is now a really large Media company and They have gone against the mainstream News and we have to do this with Brands Such as even Tampax Tampax is has gone Woke they've used biological males now In their ads which is obviously Ridiculous men do not get periods and They never will Um so we we do we need to support brands That support Our values because at the end of the day Money talks and the companies we're Giving our money to are the ones that Are going to flourish no you're exactly Right on that you know uh you've made a Great point in talking about people on Both sides and we tend to think we tend To politicize everything Like Somebody's Gotta come down on the right or the left This is not that issue like when it Comes to Anheuser-Busch in the Bud Light Thing Uh I saw people say yeah conservatives Are pushing back with their dollars and These companies are feeling it I don't Necessarily think it's conservatives Quote end quote I think that it's just People with a certain values that are Tired of having this stuff uh you know Just thrust upon them now You released a Video that that is that is fun it's Funny triggered a lot of people which I Think that's why we do what we do and People are like oh this is cringe I

Can't believe she I I love this right You take thank you thank you I love it I Think it's great you know you you get Out there I mean I listen as a Red-blooded American male there's Nothing better than a girl with a gun I Mean I'm loving this yeah amen and you Know I'm assuming you got the AR-15 There and uh you've got the lingerie You've got the Tampax you got the Bud Light and you're just lighting it all up I mean uh yeah how was it making that Video So what I thought it was funny so Original actually my whole family was Involved in this I got a call from my Aunt who blessed her heart a lot of my Auntie's hair she called me and she's Like Bree you gotta go shoot out some Lingerie she's like you you have tons of Friends that have shooting ranges you Need to do this and I said okay and She's like you know what also I want you To fill up balloons filled with paint I Want you to shoot out those balloons and Just completely destroy the lingerie and I was thinking I'm like okay well I'll Do that but I feel like I should include Some Bud Light and some Tampax too Because we need to cancel all of these Brands we need to cancel all of them and I do want to I want to touch on this a Little bit You know I've talked on Fox News I was

Talking about how you know this is Obviously like a war against women you Know that they're they're totally trying To destroy what it means to be a woman These people can't even just find what a Woman is but I think ultimately this is A a war against men and women but men Even more so because they are trying to Destroy what masculinity is all about They don't want men to be powerful they Don't want men to be the head of the Household and they're so they're going After gender Like in general they want to destroy Obviously like no man looks like that Model wearing lingerie that's pictured Right here like that that's ridiculous That's an embarrassment to men No it is and if you look at those two Pictures I don't know if you can see it Or not but we've got the side by side of Him with with you and that is a perfect Case of one of these is not like the Other you know what I mean yeah uh and And if you look at this guy and and I Went over to his Instagram when I first Saw this Um this campaign I went over to see Because that because I I'm like okay who Are we dealing with here right uh and Obviously this is a person who has Embraced a certain lifestyle Uh and and there's a lot of people out There who Embrace a lot of different

Lifestyles they may be Lifestyles I Don't agree with and that's one thing But again when it's thrust upon society And say okay we're going to normalize This because you made a great Point We've already come after the masculinity In our culture and said that's toxic we Can't have that and so they've they've Very much uh weakened men in a big way And now now in a big way they're coming After women and that to me that Exploitation is whereas a toxic male I Stand up to that because I just I'm like We've got to stop this now because if You carry that out the end game the Consequences are not good you're in this World you get a lot of of I mean your Instagram you know you got one point What one and a half million followers on Instagram alone that's that's huge for An Instagram page I know you have a lot Of voices coming at you and you're a Woman who has the backbone to stand Against that how hard is this pressure Coming at you to basically encourage you To Cave So I love how you said It's crazy people keep on asking me this And I believe God I mean I mean pose in swimsuits and lingerie But I am a woman of Faith at the end of The day and I know God has me here for a Reason and I'm not scared and I'm not

I'm not backing down because I have so Much support from my friends and family And people on the internet yeah I'm Getting some hate messages too but I Know this is Where God wants me right now and he's Planned this for a long long time and I'm ready to stand up and fight for Americans because people need young men Young women to do what's right because At the end of the day they're attacking Gen Z they're not really attacking me or You they're attacking the younger Populations because they are trying to Make these people think like these young You know teenagers or kids think that This is all right and this is what we Should aspire to be like we should be Getting rid of gender we should have Women Not feeling like women we should have Men not feeling like men and so I'm I'm Doing this because I'm fighting for the Younger generations and I know this is What God wants me to be doing well you Know as a dad myself you know of kids That are gen z i I personally want to Say thank you for making the stand you People have no idea I mean you you are a Smart Um you're a witty you you have your you Have Um a foundation of knowing who you are On top of that you're a beautiful woman

There's a lot of places you could go in This world a places that would offer you Success places with no questions asked Just just make you you know give you Give you this world as we know it and I'm thankful that as you said you know That this world isn't the reward right You you know that there's other things At stake and so thank you for taking That stand and and God bless you for it And I'll tell you you're right they're After gen Z they're after the Next Generation because if they can corrupt The minds of the younger among us then Then the next Generations it's it's Downhill from there so thank you Thank you thank you so much for you for What you said but I do want to add one Last thing so Dylan Mulvaney's audience Is primarily children and obviously when He had the Bud um the Bud Light brand Deal he was posting that per kid so it Makes it very very clear what their Agenda is yeah and and the fact that Dylan Mulvaney continues to identify as A girl not a woman as a girl in dressing Up like Eloise and all of these other Characters and and you know this is a Person who's exploiting a lot so you can Find Bree at Bree teresi we'll put it There on the screen follow her on Instagram and uh support her and I'd Love to have you back and and I'd love To keep in touch with you and and keep

Talking because I think you're doing a Great thing so thank you I appreciate You taking the time to have me on your Show today you bet Brie lots of prayers God bless you thanks for uh and stay Safe in Hollywood stay here in L.A to me It's all Hollywood okay I got I got my Mama right here I love it well you tell Mama I said hello and uh and God bless You we are praying for you thank you for Taking a stand and being awesome okay Thanks Brie bye thank you All right guys make sure that you are Subscribed Chad use promo Code chat don't forget to follow Brie And uh and all of her well let's just Call them what they are they're Shenanigans but they are they're the Kind of shenanigans we all like right Pure unadulterated American red-blooded Patriotic fun and I'm and I'm thankful That she's doing what she's doing and uh And God bless you guys and uh thanks for The support God bless you